19: a day with ella

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<> Skylar's P.O.V <>

I wake up to the smell of bacon and I smile and sit up. I grab my phone from next to me and turn it on to see if I have any messages.

I have 2 messages, 1 from Brad and 1 from Alyssa. I open Alyssa's first and it reads.

Buttercup :P - Hey gorgeous! I heard you're that back in England now and I hope you had a safe flight. I'm sorry if this has come at a really weird time because these time zones are soooo confusing. Anyway, I was wondering if you wanted to give me a skype call later on and we can discuss me moving. Text me back when you get this. I miss you and love you! xxx

I see that the message was sent at 2:30 this morning and I'm glad that I didn't wake up from it. I reply from the sweet message quickly with:

Blossom <3 - Hey missy! I am back home in England now and I had a safe flight. We can skype tomorrow when its 9pm in Brisbane and 12pm here? See how that works out. I miss you too! Love ya! xxx

I check Brad's message and I smile as I read it.

Bradley <3 - Morning baby! I hope you slept alright. The boys and I have a photoshoot today so it gives you an opportunity to catch up with Ella more. Hope you have mounds of fun. Love you to the moon and back! xxxx

I smile and pull the covers off me and getting out of bed. I walk into my ensuite while replying to the cute text with:

Skyyy <3 - Good morning! Just got back from tour and a shoot already! That sucks :/ Ella and I got heaps of catching up time last night but we might go out today... We'll see. Good luck with your shoot! Love you too xxxx

At first I didn't agree on the really cheesy names but he took my phone and put it in like that. I send the message and put my phone down and climb into the shower. I wash my body and hair quickly then I get out and wrap the towel around me.

I walk back into my room and over to my wardrobe to get out some clothes. I get out a pair of light blue jeans, a white oversized knit sweater and my white Nike air max's. I put it all on then blow dry my hair and tie it up into my signature pony tail but I just leave it natural and don't straighten it.

I tie a red bandana around my head and put my makeup on which is just foundation, mascara and lip gloss. I don't like wearing too much makeup as I am not a fan of the cake face look.

I put my necklace that my family gave me when I left. I still haven't opened the card that came with the box that had the necklace in it as I was told to when I got back home in England. That reminds me, I need to open the card.

I walk downstairs and see Ella sitting down, eating breakfast and I smile and walk over to her.

"I made you some breakfast it's just in the kitchen." She gestures back into the kitchen and I thank her and walk into the kitchen. Ella is a really good cook luckily so I'm excited about this meal.

I see it neatly placed on a plate that is on the kitchen bench and I walk over to it and grab it, taking it into the dining room where Ella is seated. I sit down and start eating the bacon and eggs with a smile.

"I think we deserve a girl's day out." Ella says and I look up at her and smile.

"A girl's day out? Sounds cool. Where shall we go on this girl's day out?" I ask and she sits there and looks as if she's thinking.

"Hmmmm. Well I need a haircut so we could go get our hair done... We could also go shopping in town?" She suggests and I smile.

"Oh gosh you and your girly ways." I chuckle and she smiles and nods.

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