36: meet and greets

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* 1 year later *

<> Skylar's P.O.V <>

I hate paparazzi. I never thought I would hear myself say that sentence but now that I've gotten pretty big worldwide they're everywhere.

I now have bodyguards. I know. They feel about 10 feet taller than me because I'm tiny but they're so nice. Their names are Andy and Will.

Even though they look so intimidating they're the sweetest people you'll meet. Though they are nice, they follow me everywhere. I guess they have to but shit it's so annoying.

So a lot can happen in the space of a year. First we all found out that Ellen and Joe were dating and they were getting married. I know right. Our reaction was pretty priceless actually. Our reaction went a little like this.




Yeah it was pretty amusing actually. Most of us could tell that there was something going on between them (obviously not Con because he lost 20 dollars).

What other things happened? Oh yeah Piper fell pregnant with Carter's baby so I am a soon to be Auntie which is so exciting.

I also won the best female artist award at the AMA's (Australian Music Awards). That was actually a big shock to me but I was so happy.

Connor and Alyssa are going strong and so are James and Ella. Also an update with Isabella and Tristan. She obviously fell for his silly personality and they have been dating for about 9 months now. Lots has happened actually.

Lucie has got a boyfriend now whose name is Lachlan. He is really nice and I met him on a skype call with Lucie. Brad and I are doing really well and I don't think I can complain about much with our relationship.

My Mum is doing really well just at home with Lucie but Lucie has been having this on and off sickness that she's been stuck with for a while. It's really weird and she's been to the doctor a few times and they can't tell what it is.

It's scaring my Mum a bit though. It's just them two in the house now and all my Mum can hear at night is Lucie's coughs which makes me glad that I'm not in the house. I wouldn't be able to bear hearing Lucie in such a bad condition.

Alicia is still my stylist and I think she will stay that way for a while. She's actually got a boyfriend now which is awesome. He is Calum Hood from 5 Seconds of Summer. I've met him too before. He actually grew up in my area when I was younger and he went to a school near mine with the other 5sos boys. I remember growing up and they went to the same parties that I went to.

Alicia invited them to one of my shows and that's when I properly met them. They're actually really nice boys and they're hilarious.

I also got to meet the One Direction boys and they are hilarious too. Harry tried flirting with me but he sort of failed when I rejected him because I have Brad, also because I'm not into Harry in that way.

Niall and I actually got quite close and we still talk to each other, he's like another best friend to me. Right now my life is actually on such a high. Everything is just amazing in my life right now so something bad is bound to happen.

That always happens. Everything goes right and then God decides that my life is too good so he switches it all up. Like seriously? Just leave me and my good life alone. Ugh.

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