16: surfing

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<> Skylar's P.O.V <>

"I missed you Skywa." Amber who is three runs up to me and I lift her up off the ground.

"Oh gosh I missed you too Amber." I smile and rest her on my hip.

"Your boyfend is weally noice." She says and I laugh.

"I know he is isn't he." I smile and she bounces up and down a bit.

"You know I have a boyfend a preschool." She says and I raise my eyebrows and laugh.

"Do you now? What's his name?" I ask her


"Well I would love to meet the Max one day." I smile and see Brad watching me from the corner of my eye.

"Yeah he wants to meet you." She says, excitedly.

"Well I think that my boyfriend wants to talk to me now so I'm gonna have to go." I say placing her down on the ground.

"Alright bye!" She squeals, running off in the other direction and I Iaugh and walk over to Brad.

"Are you having a good time?" I ask him and he smiles.

"Yeah I am. Are you?" He asks and I nod.

"I'm having a great time actually. I missed them all so much." I smile, looking out to them.

"They're really great people." He smiles, looking out to them and I smile.

"They all love you. I told you that they would like you." I smile and nudge him and he chuckles. I look out and see my Mum waving at me, gesturing for me to go over.

"My Mum wants me." I sigh and he chuckles.

"I love you." He says, grabbing my hand and placing a kiss on my cheek before I walk over to my Mum.

I get to my Mum and she smiles.

"He's a very lovely boy. I like him." She gestures over to Brad who is talking to Jake and Lachlan.

"Yeah he is." I smile and she rubs my arm.

"Your Papa would have thought he was great." My Mum smile and I smile, feeling happy to hear that from someone else not just me and Alyssa

"I know Papa would have loved him. He treats me like I deserve to be treated." I smile, looking at him laughing with the boys.

"That's what matters baby. Now we are all planning to go down to the beach. Did you bring your swimmers?" She asks and I nod.

"I did luckily. Do you still have my surfboard?" I ask and she nods.

"We knew that if you came to visit you would want to go out and surf." She smiles and I laugh, she turns to the whole family to make an announcement.

"Let's all go to the beach!" She says and everyone stands up from their chairs. I go inside and grab my bag that has my swimmers in it and take it upstairs.

I go into what used to be my room and is now Lucie's room. I get into my white and blue bikini and put my white beach dress over the top.

I walk downstairs and out the door and I see the family already walking across the road. I grab my surfboard that's leaning on the house and I run over to the group.

I see Brad walking, talking to Carter and I smile as I see them getting along. I catch up to them and start walking next to Brad and he spots me.

"Hey babe." He smiles, putting his arm over my shoulder and I smile.

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