33: times with the fam

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<> Skylar's P.O.V <>

I lie in my bed with my songbook in my lap as I try to write the words to my new song I need to write. I come up with a few and quickly write them down but I am interrupted by a phone call. I see the caller ID and its Brad.

I smile, answering the phone and placing it to my ear.

"Hey Babe." I smile.

"Hey Skyyyy!" He shouts into the phone and I laugh.

"What's up? You interrupted my song writing sesh." I chuckle at the end and I hear him laugh too.

"Oh sorry well I just wanted to see if you wanted to come with me and meet my parents but if you're song writing its-" He says and I go still.

"WAIT NO! I want to meet your parents!" I interrupt him and he laughs at me.

"Okay then well get ready! I'll pick you up in half an hour!" He says then hanging up abruptly. He's a strange boy. I put the phone down and quickly run into my ensuite. I strip down, turning on the shower and quickly washing my hair.

Once I'm done I get out and dry myself off. I get changed into white ripped skinny jeans, a black v neck crop top, a long grey cardigan and black combat boots. I blow dry my hair and then do my makeup with just foundation, lip gloss and mascara. Once I'm done I get my bag and put my things in it, walking downstairs.

I sit on the downstairs lounge as I wait for Brad to turn up. I hear a beep from outside and I get up from the lounge, opening the front door and seeing his car pulled up out front of the house. I close the door behind me and run over to him, getting in the car.

"Hello baby." He says and I smile, leaning over and giving him a quick kiss.

"Let's go!" I say, looking forward and he laughs, driving off and away from the house. He turns on the radio and it's playing one of my songs. I freeze and stare at the radio in shock.

"MY SONGS ON THE RADIO!" I squeal, turning to Brad and grabbing his arm.

"Woah calm down! You don't want me crashing the car do you?" He laughs at me and I let go of him, fanning myself.

"Bradley my fucking song is on the radio!" I squeal again, a bit quieter this time.

"Holy shit. Holy shit..." I breathe slowly, continuing to fan myself in an attempt to calm down.

"Babe calm down." Brad reaches over, grabbing my hand, rubbing the palm of my hand with his thumb.

We both start singing along to my song while half laughing and half blaring the lyrics out. The song finishes and they start talking about me on the radio.

"New song by the sudden pop star Skylar Prescott! She's got a great voice hasn't she?" One of the radio presenters says and I smile.

"She sure does. Just a little background information on this new rising star. She kick started her career by being the opening act on tour with a band called The Vamps. She is 20 years old and grew up in Bondi, Australia. She is now dating the lead of The Vamps, Bradley Simpson. He actually asked her to be his girlfriend at one of their live concerts on tour. Personally I think she has so much potential and she's going to go pretty far in the world of fame." The other presenter says and I smile.

"Well what can I say." I flip my hair jokingly and Brad laughs at me.

"Now we have a special competition and whoever is the 100th caller gets free backstage passes to Skylar's concert in the London O2." The other announcer says and we both listen closely.

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