38: this is it?

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<> Skylar's P.O.V <>

This is it.

This. Is. It...

I don't think I can do it. I don't know if I can just let go of everything like this. Though there is this itching thing inside of me telling me what to do and telling me its not right I know it has to be this way. I need to be there for Lucie whenever she needs me and I don't want to have to worry about Bradley and I on the side of it all.

My Mum told me that it doesn't have to be this way but we both know it does. She hasn't told Lucie about what's going to happen. She would be the stubborn girl she is and tell me off about it.

I've packed a few things but I eventually mustered up the courage to do it. I grab my phone and walk out of my room, walking downstairs.

I see Alyssa in the kitchen giving me a smile and I give her a faint smile back, "I'm going to see Bradley." I tell her and he smile instantly drops. She walks to me with a sympathetic look on her face.

"You know you don't have to end it like this?" She tells me and I sigh, looking down at my dirty converse that are on my feet.

"I have to do this. To save all the pain that would go both ways." I tell her honestly and she purses her lips, shaking her head a little. She pulls me into a tight hug.

"Good luck." She whispers and I smile a bit as she rubs my back.

We pull apart, "While you're gone Ella and I can do some packing for you if you want?" Alyssa offers and I smile faintly, running my hand through my long hair.

"That would be great thankyou... so much." I sigh and she smiles, rubbing my arm.

"Off you go. Do it before you back out of it." She says and I nod, looking down and walking out of the house. It's pouring outside and I quickly run to my car, climbing in and starting the engine. I drive off in the direction of the boy's house.

I texted them and told them I was coming so they said they would go to our house to leave Brad and I alone. Soon enough I pull up in front the boys house and I take a deep breathe in. I have definitely pondered not doing it but as I've mentioned many times. I have to do it.

I quickly open the car door, running to the front door. I turn the door handle and of course it's unlocked as usual. I walk into the house and my nerves go on a bit of a high.

"Bradley?" I shout and my voice echoes throughout the whole house.

"I'm up here!" I hear him shout from upstairs and I run up the stairs, opening his bedroom door to see him sitting on the bed with his guitar placed on his lap.

"Hey Babe." He says and I smile faintly, walking over to him and placing a kiss on his soft lips. Tahts one of the last kisses I'll ever give him.

"Hi..." I say quietly, sitting down on the bed next to him. He knows me well enough to realize I'm in an off mood.

"What's up Sky?" He asks with comfort in his voice. There it is. Okay Sky try not to cry otherwise this will be a lot harder on the both of us.

"I need to tell you something Brad and do you promise me you won't say a word until I'm done." I tell him, my voice starting to get shaky.

"Yes I promise. Now what's going on?" He asks, worried and I shut my eyes tight, sighing. Maybe if I pinch myself and I'll wake up and Sky won't be sick and I won't have to let go of this.

But I know it's not a dream. This is my reality. This is my new reality and I'm just going to have to deal with it. Every little bit of it. Life will throw so many things at me but I will have to deal with it. Because this is my life now and there is no turning back.

"My Mum called me yesterday... She told me that Lucie was diagnosed with Leukaemia." I start and his face drops instantly, "She's just started her chemo and I told her that I wanted to be there for the family as this all happens. So... I'm flying back home tomorrow to stay."

I look back up at his eyes and he blinks a few times, trying to process the information.

"And I think..." I start and my lip starts quivering, "I think that it will be best if we are..." A sob, "Not together in this time." I let out and the colour from his face drains.

"W-what do you mean?" He asks, the pain evident in his voice. My eyes start to water and I look down at my knees, a single tear dropping from my eye.

"I can move to Bondi with you and be there with you and your family!" He urges and I purse my lips, shaking my head.

"Brad you and I both know that you can't do that. Everything for you is here. The boys, your family, your job, joe. You have everything here and you can't just drop all that." I tell him and his lips start to quiver, a tear dropping from his eye and rolling down cheeks that are usually so full of colour but are so pale in this moment. I think this is the first time I've seen him cry because of me.

"But I won't have you." He whimpers, making me feel more and more guilty.

"No. No. No. Don't do that Brad. Please." I wipe another tear off his soft cheek and he stands up.

"Why are you so willing to leave me and everything we had behind?" He retorts and I let out a sob as a pang of guilt takes me over.

"Bradley do you not understand how hard this is for me too? I don't want to leave you behind but I know I have to. I don't want to be taking care of my half dead sister while worrying about keeping my relationship together with a boy that lives 17,000 kilometres away from me!" I let out and he turns around, rubbing his eyes with the palms of his hands.

"Sky. Look me in the eyes, say you don't love me and tell me you want to leave me." He says and I let out a loud sob.

"Brad you know I can't tell you that. Just because I'm leaving you behind that doesn't mean I don't love more than anything else in the world and that doesn't mean I'll ever stop loving you." I tell him and he cries even more. I walk towards him, pulling him into a tight hug.

I make the most of being in his arms because I know that it won't last much longer. I breathe in his scent, noting his signature smell. Cinnamon and Apples.

We stand there hugging for a good few minutes before he breaks the silence, "So this is it?" He asks me quietly.

"This is it." I say quietly, pulling away from him and looking up at him.

"I love you Skylar. So so much and I will never stop." He tells me and I start to realise that it's all done now. I can't go back now. This is it. Everything that we had together is done, gone.

"I love you too Bradley." Is all I can say to him before placing my last kiss on his soft lips. Our lips linger against each other's before I slowly pull back.

"Fate will bring us together again Sky." He tells me and I close my eyes, nodding a little bit. I step out of his embrace, walking over to his door.

"Goodbye Bradley." I give him one last, weak smile before walking out of the room and slowly making my way down the large staircase.

Bradley has always been a superstitious person. He believes that every that has happen, is happening or is to happen was meant to happen. Like there is such thing as fate or destiny.

I always considered his superstitions and thoughts were quite crazy but right now I actually want to believe that there is such that as fate. Maybe he is right and we will meet again one day and be able to repatch what we are leaving behind.

I hope he's right.

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