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hey guyssssssssssssssssssssssssssss

wow thats a lot of s's

right-e-o so that is my book all done and dusted


there WILL be a sequel because who tf ends a book in that way you know? well... me obviously... anyway the sequel to this amazing book will be called 'The Moon 2' ooooooooohhhh creative i know wow

this book will be up in the next month or so because i want to write the first few chapters on it before actually publishing it if yah know what i mean?

but in the meantime i recommend you head on over to my account and check out my other book which is another Bradley fanfic called 'messages ~ b.w.s' its okay and i've written quit alot of it *just haven't posted it yet) but i think it has pretty good potential so yeah go check it out as a quick read before the sequel comes out.

so i'm starting grade 9 tomorrow and tbh i'm not in the effing mood for it. i was perfectly fine binge watching tv shows for two straight months! THANKYOU AUSTRALIAN MOTHERTRUCKING GOVERNMENT.

wow i'm deeply sorry for that...

oh right i almost forgot. up top ^^^^ is a picture of my friend and i when we met The Tide boys and this is a selfie that Drew took with us. I'm the brunette girl woo hoo #brunettes4lyf

though i do have unnatural blonde in my hair... oh no

whoops anyway i hope you all enjoyed this book as much as i enjoyed writing it and wow i just love you guys so much and thankyou all for your ongoing support its really quite amazing

if you want to keep updated with me and my boring life go follow me on my stuffs

insta - lexxsimpson

fb - lexie clift (msg me to say that you're a reader)

twitter - braddysimmo

email? - lexie_clift(at symbol)

sc - lexieclifty

till later guys! stay grooovvvyyyy xxx

The Moon // bradley simpsonWhere stories live. Discover now