14: writing songs

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<> Skylar's P.O.V <>

"I'm gonna miss you so much Sky." Alyssa says into our long hug as we prepare to go on our drive to Sydney.

"I'm gonna miss you too Liss." I say and we pull apart and a tear falls from my eye, knowing that I won't be able to see her for a while.

"Aw don't cry Sky you're going to make me cry." She says, wiping the tear from my cheek and I see a tear fall from her eye.

"Oh god now I made you cry." I joke, laughing and crying at the same time.

"It's okay... I'm fine... Now go before I cry even more." She pushes me back and I laugh. Brad grabs my hand and we start walking towards the door of my bus. Just as I am about to climb in I look back and see Alyssa standing there sniffling.

I place my hand to my mouth and blow a kiss to her and she does the same. I smile to myself and climb into the bus with Brad, closing the door behind me. The bus starts driving away and Brad and I sit down on the seat in silence.

"I'm gonna miss her." I cry and Brad pulls me into his arms.

"It's okay babe. Didn't you say something about her maybe moving in with you? You'll be able to see her all the time if she does." He says and I smile.

"I hope she does. But there is still a 3 weeks left of this tour so there's no chances between now and then." I shrug and he sits up more.

"Sit up and face that way." He says, pointing in the direction of the front of the bus and I do as told.

He grabs all my hair and I laugh, "What are you doing Brad?" I ask him and I feel him playing around with my hair.

"I'm going to try and do a... What's it called?" He asks and I laugh.

"A plait?" I ask, wiping the wetness off my face.

"That's what it's called! I'm going to try and do a plait." He says with pride in his voice and I laugh at him.

"What's so funny?" He asks and I giggle.

"You're so funny. You're so cute." I say and he huffs.

"Am I just cute?" He asks and I shrug.

"Oh no of course not. You're funny, smart, romantic and not to mention incredibly handsome." I joke and he laughs at me.

"Oh I know." He says and I laugh.

"Ugh I give up." He says dropping my hair and I laugh and turn around to him.

"You didn't last very long..." I tease and he rolls his eyes and pokes his tongue out at me. I put my hair out of my face and make a big yawn.

"I think we should go to bed." Brad says and I nod.

"Come on." I grab his hand and we walk up the stairs. We get to the top and I walk over to my bed and sit down on it.

"You go in the bathroom and get changed and I'll get changed in here." I say and Brad nods and walks into the bathroom. I sigh and unzip my jumpsuit, pulling it off and making it fall to the ground.

I am only in my bra and underwear now but I grab my makeup remover wipes and take off all my makeup. Once I finish taking it all off I walk over to my wardrobe and try and find one of Brad's singlets that he left here.

As I am doing so I see the bathroom door open and Brad walks out, "Oh my gosh." I gasp and cover myself up with whatever was in my hand.

Brad chuckles and smiles at me and I roll my eyes, "How did I get so lucky?" Brad walks over to me and places his hand on my bare back, giving me a long kiss, sending shivers down my spine.

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