21: why...

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<> Ella's P.O.V <>

It's been four days since the fire.

We watch as Brad sits next to Skylar's weak and unconscious body, holding her hand tight as if he stayed there long enough she would wake up and love him again.

We are worrying about him because the only time he leaves is when visiting hours are over and all he does when he leave is go home and listen to her songs. He hasn't slept since it was announced that she was in a coma.

He has hardly talked to us since the incident either and usually he is very talkative and happy. The big purple bags under his eyes a so noticeable and people walking by give him looks of pity. His lips are dry and cracked from his salty tears occasionally falling from his eyes.

I check the time and see that the visiting hours would finish soon and I sigh and stand up walking over to Brad.

I kneel down next to him and place my hand on his back. He looks at me quickly and I feel pity when I see the condition he's in.

"Bradley we have to go soon." I say and he nods and turns back to Skylar and I sigh and walk back to my seat. He never actually explained what happened before the fire to us. Everyone got out of the fire safe well except for Skylar and the house that burnt down.

I hear weeping and I look at Brad and see his body racking from his sobs and I sigh. He cries as he looks at her pale and lifeless looking body.

"I love you so much Skylar... I'm so so sorry..." I hear him whisper and tears threaten to spill from my eyes. They are all my friends especially Skylar and it hurts to see them like this.

I feel a warm hand take mine in theirs and I look over to see James smiling at me and I blink out a few tears and lean my head on his shoulder.

"Come on guys we need to go." I hear Connor says and I nod and stand up from my seat. James walks over to Brad and stands him up. We all start walking out the door of the cold hospital that held so many secrets but Brad stops. We look at him and realise why he stopped because the machine next to Skylar is beeping loudly.

We rush over to her and I see her hand move so I quickly smack the help button. Doctors and nurses rush into the room and push Bradley out of the way. I see her eyes flutter open slowly and let out a large sigh of relief.

"She's awake." Brad whispers and I smile and nod.

"Could you please leave we need to run some tests?" The doctor asks and we all nod and leave the room. We all sit outside waiting anxiously to be told to go back in.

"Do you think she's alright?" Brad asks us as he paces back and forth down the hallway.

"She'll be alright don't worry she's strong she can get through this." I say and he nods. We all stand in silence as Brad continues to pace and I start to get annoyed.

"Bradley please stop pacing you're making me nervous." I say sternly and he stops and leans on the wall, sliding down.

The door opens, startling us and I quickly stand up and look at the doctor.

"She asked for Ella." He says and I sigh and nod, walking into her room and closing the door behind me. I walk over to her and she looks at me with a faint smile.

"Oh Sky..." I walk to her and sit down on the chair next to her bed.

"How do you feel?" I ask, grabbing her hand and she sighs.

"Like shit to be honest... But better than I felt when I was in the Fire." She croaks and I purse my lips and close my eyes, not liking see her in this state.

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