1: whoops

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28th of September, 2015

<> Skylar's P.O.V <>

I wake up to peace and quiet and smile to myself as it's been a while since I've had a nightmare free sleep. I pull the quilt covers off me and stand up from my bed, walking into my ensuite to have a shower.

I step into the shower and wash my long brown hair. I shave all the necessary areas then hop out of the shower, drying myself off. Once I dry myself off I walk back into my room and get changed to go out to the mall.

I put on my black skater skirt, a white crop top, a beige cardigan and white high top converse. I put my hair up into a high ponytail and string a gold necklace with a dream catcher on the end of it around my neck. I put on my makeup which consists of foundation, base powder, mascara, eyeliner and lipgloss.

I grab my phone and my purse and put it in my black handbag. I sling the bag around my shoulder and walk downstairs where it is as usual silent. I moved into this house a few months ago expecting my very good friends Ella and Scarlett to move in with me. Ella can't move in for a few months because she's about to finish her study at Harvard. But Scarlett is living with her boyfriend so it's just me living here for now.

I grab an apple and start eating it as I walk out the door to my house. The mall is about a 5 minute walk from here so I decide to just walk there because it doesn't take long. I eat my apple as I walk through the cold, windy streets of Birmingham.

I approach the busy shopping centre and walk in the large automatic doors and the warm air hits me. I go into multiple shops and I end up getting two pairs of jeans, two shirts and a handbag.

I am now wandering around with my hands full of bags and I hear a man shouting out to someone and then someone bashes into me from the back, making all of my bags and I go falling to the ground. The guy runs away and a guard comes into view, chasing after the guy.

My bags flew out of my hands causing one to fall a few feet away from me. I collect the bags that are near me and I see someone pick up the bag that's further away. They walk closer to me and I look up and see a boy.

"Are you alright?" The boy asks and I nod shyly. He extends his hand for me and I smile and take a hold of it, assisting me when getting up off the ground. When I am on my feet I study his features carefully. He has curly brown hair and chocolate brown eyes. His soft hair is styled perfectly under the black bowler hat and the white button up shirt and black jeans.

"Uhhhh," I say in some sort of trance but suddenly I snap out of it, "Yeah I'm fine." I fluster, dusting myself off a bit.

"You sure? You fell pretty hard." He asks, sounding worried and he hands me my bag.

"Thanks. But I better go." I smile and start walking off but feeling someone grabs my wrist. I turn around and see the curly haired, brunette from before.

"Uhm could I get your number?" He asks nervously and I smile.

"But I don't know your name yet?" I smirk and he chuckles, shaking his head a bit.

"My names Bradley and what's yours?" He asks with a nervous looking smile. I tighten my ponytail a bit and look at him with a sweet smile.

"I'm Skylar." I smile and he extends his hand and I take it in mine and shake it. As soon as our cold fingertips touch sparks fly through my body.

"Nice to meet you. Now could I have your number?" He smiles nervously, stuffing his hands into his pockets.

"Hmmmm I don't know..." I tease and his cute smile drops and I just chuckle at his sudden sadness, "Just joking. Only if I can get yours though?" I ask him and he smiles widely.

"Of course." He says and he hands me his phone and I hand my phone to him. I put my number in and put my contact name in as 'Skylar<3'.

I hand his phone back to him and see three boys coming over from behind him.

"Hey Brad who's this?" One of them who is tall with light blonde hair smiles at me and places his hand on Brads shoulder.

"Oh guys this is Skylar. Skylar this is Tristan, James and Connor." He gestures to them and I smile at them.

The boy that was pointed out as Connor whispers something into Bradley's ear and I stand there awkwardly for that second.

"Oh okay." Brad says to Connor and his attention goes back to me.

"So we're throwing a party tonight do you want to come along?" He asks and James and Tristan nudge him and chuckle.

I giggle at their reaction and look at Brads hopeful face, "That would be nice actually." I smile in his direction and he lets out a big sigh of relief.

"Cool I'll see you then and I'll text you the address." Brad smiles and I nod.

"Sounds like fun..." I smile and he just stares at me with a smile on his face. I quickly look over to the exit doors and look back to Brad who is still staring at me.

"Well... I should probably go..." I point to the exit and he snaps back to normal.

"Oh yeah well I'll see you later then." He flusters and I smile and nod.

"Goodbye." I say and start walking off.

"Goodbye!" I hear him say from behind me and I turn around, smile at him and walk out of the exit.

~ Brad's P.O.V ~

I stand there with a smile on my face as I see her walk out of the exit, away from me.

"Whoa..." I sigh and James pats me on the back.

"Duuuddddddeeee." James says and I snap out of my trance. I turn around to the guys and they all look at me with smirks across their faces.

"Shut up." I roll my eyes and I turn around and start walking away with the boys following behind me making kissy noises.

"Bradleyyyyy. You like her." Tris teases and I elbow his side.

"I don't like her. I guess she is really pretty and nice but that doesn't mean I like her. I only just met her!" I say, thinking about her and I don't even know what I'm saying.

"You practically just admitted you like her." Connor and the boys laugh.

"So what? It's just a little crush I bet I'll forget about her in a few hours." I say and the boys all go quiet. I smirk at my achievement as we walk out to James' car.

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