26: meeting fans

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~ Skylar's P.O.V ~

"It feels like ages since I've performed." I say to the girls as I get ready to leave. Tonight I'm holding a concert. It's just a onetime concert to reveal the big song of my new album. The boys and girls are coming to the concert to watch me from backstage.

"Well it kind of has. You haven't performed since the last concert of the tour and that was about two months ago." Alyssa grabs her things and waits for me so we can all go.

"True. I miss it though. I'm so excited." I smile, picking up my things and following the girls out the front door. Parked out the front of our house is a pitch black limousine. The girls stop in their tracks and stare at it in awe and I laugh when I remember they have never been in a limo.

"Guys do you want to make it to the concert on time or not?" I ask and their eyes widen and they follow me to the car. The driver opens the door and we all climb into the expensive car.

"Wow this is amazing!" Ella gets excited as the two of them inspect the inside.

"That's what I said when I went in a limo for the first time." I chuckle and they continue to play around with buttons.

I watch them in amusement as they act like little children as we drive to the venue where we are meeting the boys and where I will perform.


The limo stops to a halt and the door is opened, letting all three of us out. We walk in the back entrance and into the big concert venue.

"This is so crazy. I've never been backstage for a concert before!" Ella says in excitement and Alyssa and I chuckle. That's exactly what Alyssa said when she came to see me at my concert Brisbane.

We are directed to my dressing room by a backstage guy and we walk in. I see Alicia sitting on the lounge on her phone. She looks up and lets out a little squeal, standing up and rushing over to me.

We join in a big hug and I laugh, pulling apart, "Gosh! I missed you!" She says and I chuckle, sitting down on the chair so she can start my makeup.

"I missed you too. By the way. This is Ella and you already know Alyssa. Ella this is Alicia." I introduce them and they give each other a hug then Alicia starts on my makeup, getting my foundation out and padding it onto my face.

She finishes my makeup and it's quite light with just foundation, base powder, waterproof mascara and eyeliner, neon pink lipstick and bronzer.

She hands me my outfit and I walk into the change room to put it on. It's really amazing and probably my favourite outfit I have worn. There is a white bralet paired with a skater skirt and is short at the front but down to my feet at the back. The outside of it is neon yellow and the inside is neon pink like my lipstick and it looks pretty amazing.

I walk out and the three of them are just chatting away. They all look up at me and smile, Alicia stands up and hands me a pair of white strappy heels. I put them on the she does my hair. She is doing it last as she was worried it might get ruined when I got changed. She pins all my hair to one side, showing the big loop earring in my right ear.

"Okay you've got about..." She checks her phone, "Eight minutes. You should head down the backstage." She smiles and I nod. Ella, Alyssa and I walk out of the room and into the long hallway like always.

"Are the hallways always this long?" Ella sounds as if she's getting tired and I laugh.

"You get used to the length of them when you have to walk down them in heels for three months." I say and she laughs and stops complaining. There is a big black door that has the word 'BACKSTAGE' printed on it and Alyssa opens the door, leading Alyssa and I in.

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