10: confessions

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<> Skylar's P.O.V <>

The car drops us off at the stadium and we go backstage and get ready for sound check. I am handed a microphone as I am the first one to do sound check and I walk on the stage. I see the four boys sitting in the front row seats of the stadium, looking at me.

"Skylar please sing Imagination." I hear Ellen say over a surround microphone and I nod and get ready for the song. I hear the background music playing and I prepare myself for the first few lyrics.

Oh, there he goes again,

Every morning it's the same

You walk on by my house

I wanna call out your name

I sing and the boys except for Brad stand up and cheer, imitating the usual fangirl, "OH MY GOD SKYLAR I LOVE YOU SO MUCH YOUR SO AMAZING! OH MY GOD! OH MY GOD!" Tris screams and I try not to burst into laughter.

"SKYLAR MARRY ME!" James screams and I laugh as they flail their arms around in the air and jump up and down.

I finish the song and burst into laughter as they sit back down and act casual. I hand my microphone back and walk off the stage and down to the seats where the boys are sitting.

"Okay boys come up!" I hear Joe's voice over the microphone and they stand up and walk past me. I give them each a high five as they walk past me and when it gets to Brad I give him a little smile and he just looks down at the ground, ignoring me.

My smile drops and I walk over to a seat and sit down, folding my arms over my chest as the boys walk up onto the stage with their instruments.

"Sing Wildheart." Joe orders and they start playing the intro to Wildheart. Brad starts singing but I notice that he doesn't have the same amount of energy for the performance as he usually does.

I smile as I watch the other boys smile as they play their instruments and have a good time. The boys finish off the song and walk off the stage, walking over to me and I stand up.

"Could you all go outside and meet some fans please." We hear Joe say over the speakers and we all nod and walk up the long aisle that leads to the doors.

"You were so good guys." I say to them and James elbows me.

"You were good too." He says and I smile and Brad huffs and walks faster, ahead of us. I furrow my eyes and watch him walk out the front doors of the venue then hear the screams of lots of fans.

"What is his problem today?" I ask with a big sigh and James shrugs.

"I know as much as you do." He says and I just try and push it out of my mind as we walk out the big front doors as I hear more and more screams when they see us. I walk over to a separate section fans and I hear they scream as I approach.

I walk over to one and she smiles at me.

"Hi Skylar. I just want to say that you are so amazing and you're an inspiration to me." The girl says and I smile and place my hand on my heart.

"That is so sweet. What's your name?" I ask as she hands me her phone so I can take a selfie with her.

"My name's Isabella." She says, proudly and I smile and hold her phone up, taking a few pictures of us.

I hand her back her phone and I see her crying a bit.

"Oh my gosh why are you crying?" I ask her and she snuffles and looks at me with a smile as more tears fall down her face.

"I don't know it's just so amazing to be talking to you right now." She says and I smile and awe a little bit.

"Oh my gosh you don't need to cry I'm just a normal girl like you trust me I'm not different to anyone else." I smile and give her a hug through the fence. I hear a group of girls scream my name in my direction and I look over to them.

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