11: finally

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<> Skylar's P.O.V <>

"You know that today is our biggest show." Tris says from across the table at chipotle.

"Really how many people?" I ask.

"I think it was around 3,000." He says and my jaw drops.

"Seriously?" Brad sounds very gobsmacked and Tris nods.

"Holy shit." James says and I chuckle and continue to eat my food.

'We Can't Stop' by Miley Cyrus starts blaring from Tris' phone and he takes it out of his pocket and answers.

"Hello... Yep... Now?... Alright we'll come... See you soon... Bye." He says and then.

"They want us to go to the stadium." Tris says and we quickly finish our food and stand up. Put our rubbish in the bin and walk out the door and start walking down that road. Brad comes up to me and entwines his fingers with mine.

I smile to myself as we get closer and closer to the concert venue, "Are you nervous?" Brad asks me and I smile and look up at him.

"No..." I shake my head and look down, "I don't need to be nervous. It's a waste of time." I say and look back up at him to see him smiling.

"You're a completely different girl to 5 weeks ago." Brad says and I nod.

"Well someone taught me not to worry about what others think." I smile and Brad chuckles and winks at me.

"They sound like an amazing person, I would love to meet them one day." He jokes and I chuckle.

"Well he's not that great." I smile and he gasps.

"Come here you nugget." He says and I squeal and start running towards the stadium. I get to the stadium gates and I run in and I look behind and see Brad chasing me.

I laugh and continue to run until I get inside of the building where I run down the hallway and towards my dressing room.

I get to my door and try to open it but it doesn't open in time so Brad catches up to me. I turn around and lean against the door and Brads hand are place on either side of me, so that he is leaning on the door.

"You are so cheeky." He says and I chuckle.

"Oh I'm sorry Prince Bradley." I say and he rolls his eyes and smiles.

"Well if I'm a prince then you're my princess." He says, pressing his lips to mine. I giggle a bit into the kiss but we keep on going. He keeps is hands placed where they are and I moved my hands to his head where I play with his soft curls.

We pull apart and he rests his forehead onto mine and I smile, "I love you." I whisper and he smiles and looks me right in the eye.

"I love you too... More than anything." He says and I smile and give him a quick peck on the lips.

"COME ON LOVE BIRDS WE DON'T HAVE TIME WE THIS THE SHOW STARTS IN AN HOUR!" We hear James shout from the end of the hallway and I chuckle.

"Get ready." Brad says, kissing me on the nose then running off to where his dressing room is.

I smile to myself and turn around, opening the door and walking into the room.

"Where were you?" My makeup artist who I discovered her name was Alicia a few weeks back asks me.

"At Chipotle with the boys." I smile and sit down on my chair.

"Nice well I better get to work we don't have much time." She says, standing up from the couch and walking over to the table, getting all my makeup out.

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