27: we're meant to be

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~ Skylar's P.O.V ~

"Sky! Brad's here!" I hear Ella shout from downstairs and I smile, chucking my phone to my side and running out of my room and downstairs. I see Brad standing talking with the girls and I walk over to them.

"Hey!" He says, smiling wide and pulling me in for a side hug.

"Hello." I smile, showing off my dimples and giving him a quick kiss. He smiles and the girls make gagging noises next to us.

"Ewww PDA guys stop." Alyssa covers her eyes and Ella runs out of the room screaming.

"Oh shut up Ella. You and Connor were getting it on right in front of us when you got here!" Brad says in our defence and I laugh. She blushes, giving us a cold glare and running upstairs. Brad and I laugh and I turn to him.

"What're you doing here?" I ask him, not trying to sound as if I don't want him here as I like that he came as a surprise.

"I wanted to tell you that I'm going to take you on a date tonight." He announces and I chuckle.

"What if I'm busy tonight?" I give him a smirk and he raises his eyebrows.

"Babe I know you're not busy. You were probably going to watch Netflix and pig out all night." He says and I laugh because he is completely right.

"Nah you're right I don't have anything planned. I'll go on a date with you. What time?" I ask and he chuckles.

"I know you so well." He says with pride making me laugh, "Uhhhh I'll pick you up at 7. Wear something nice but not formal, something comfortable." He smiles and I nod.

"Sure thing. I'll see you then." I smile and we walk over to the front door. We stop at the front door and give each other a tight hug.

"See you tonight." He winks, leaning in a bit. Our lips brush against each other and he pulls away, stepping out onto the front doorstep.

"Hey that's not fair!" I whine and he chuckles.

"Saving it for tonight." He winks yet again making my stomach flutter. I blush and he turns around, walking down the pathway and to his car. He opens the car door and just before he climbs in he blows a kiss, making me laugh hard.

He gets in the car and drives away. I close the front door and walk back upstairs, into my room. I close my bedroom door behind me and fall onto my bad. I laugh, thinking about how I look right now.

This boy. We've been dating for two months now and he still drives me insane. I run my hand through my hair and sigh, looking up to see the time. It's now 4:15 so I have quite a lot of time before the date.

I just get my laptop out and bring up Netflix. I put on The Fresh Prince of Bel Air, one of my favourite shows ever. I pull the soft blankets over me and place the laptop on my lap.

I think about what the date will be like as I watch. I have a feeling that tonight is going to go really well. We have had dates in the past but I just have a really good feeling about this one.


I look in the mirror, waiting for my approval on the outfit I'm wearing. I am wearing a white skater skirt, a grey short sleeved knit crop top, a thick navy blue cardigan and grey Nike Air Maxes.

"That looks nice." I hear form the door and I turn around and see Alyssa leaning on my doorframe with her hand on her hip.

"Thanks." I smile, looking back at the mirror.

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