35: the big day

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<> Skylar's P.O.V <>

It's the big day and everything has actually panned out pretty fine. Everything is organised down to the table decorations. At the moment I am in a big room with the two other bridesmaids, Piper and Lucie, getting dressed and ready for the ceremony.

My dress is a navy blue halter dress that goes down to my white heels. The halter neck is actually a navy lace which is gorgeous. My hair is in some sort of braid that goes to the side. One of the stylists did it but it looks really pretty. Through my braid there are silver diamantes.

The other bridesmaids are wearing a strapless version of my dress which also looks really nice.

I have a white, navy blue and silver bouquet of flowers to hold while walking down the aisle behind her. Lucie will also be walking down with us but she isn't a bridesmaid. Lucie is wearing a short baby pink skater dress with a plunging neckline and it looks great on her.

Piper's wedding dress is beautiful. It's got long lace sleeves and a plunging neckline. The skirt is a mermaid style and is also covered in lace.

Her hair is in a braid but it's tied into a bun at the back of her head. We are just preparing to walk down the aisle now and Piper seems to be getting nervous.

We walk out of the room and Piper meets her Dad. They talk for a few minutes and we walk to the entrance of the cathedral. We get in our line with me behind her, the two other bridesmaids behind me and Lucie.

We wait for our call so that we can start walking down. Piper gets really nervous and I try to quickly calm her down before we get out there. Finally she calms down and we hear the music start playing.

The double doors open and she starts walking, arm in arm with her Father. I realise that one day when I get married my Father won't be there to walk me down the aisle. I shake it off and smile, gripping onto the bouquet as we walk down.

Lucie is walking behind, throwing rose petals on the ground and I look forwards, seeing Brad stood next to Carter in a suit.

He looks really hot shit. He stares at me, smiling and giving me a wink, making me blush. We get to the end and Piper and Carter stand at the front, holding each other's hands as they face one another.

Lucie sits down and the other bridesmaids and I stand in a line, looking out to the pews. I see my Mum in the front row and I smile at her.

My whole family is sitting on Carters side of the cathedral and they are all looking at the pair of them. The pair start their vows and I smile, listening to every word said carefully.

As Carter says his vows he starts tearing up, making me get a little emotional. I look at my Mum and she is bawling her eyes out at this point. Finally the vows are done and now it's time to get these guys married

"Do you Carter Dylan Prescott take Piper Mia Andrews to be your lawfully wedded wife?" The Priest asks Carter and he looks straight at Piper.

"I do."

"Do you Piper Mia Andrews take Carter Dylan Prescott to be your lawfully wedded husband?" The Priest asks Piper and she looks at Carter.

"I do." She smiles wide.

"I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss the Bride." The Priest smiles and Carter and Piper engage in a kiss. I smile as I watch them pull apart and smile so happily. The walk down the aisle and we follow them down. Brad and I meet in the middle at the aisle and we join hands.

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