25: more broken hearts

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<> Skylar's P.O.V <>

"Oh my god..." I say in shock. I just walked in on Scarlett and Austin making out in my meeting room.

"Shit..." Scarlett mumbles, jumping off Austin quickly and I stare at her, still trying to register what's happening.

"Scarlett are you fucking serious?" I ask her and she cowers back. I can't believe her. She would blow us all off even Alyssa who she hasn't seen in years to go and cheat on Tristan.

"Skylar it's not what it looks like I swear." She says and I fold my arms over my chest.

"Then what does it look like?" I ask and she bites her lip and looks around.

"I'm so confused what's going on?" Austin says and for a second I pity him. He's been going around with this girl only now to find out the she has a boyfriend.

"Oh what's going on is that Scarlett here was just caught CHEATING on her boyfriend!" I say and Austin looks hurt but my remorse goes away when I realize he's the reason Tristan, my best friend is going to be brokenhearted.

"How could you do this to him Scarlett? He loved you so much." I say and she looks down at her feet, looking guilty.

"Please don't tell him." She says and I roll my eyes.

"You tell him or I will tell him." I say and she looks so hurt and guilty but she should. I know it sounds harsh but she deserves it. I know what it feels like to be cheated on. I thought that Brad cheated on me and Daniel cheated on me. Trust me it is not fun.

"You can't do that!" She says and I shake my head.

"I'm sure as hell I can. Now please leave." I step out of the doorway and she walks out of the room slowly just leaving Austin and I.

"Little harsh much?" He says and I glare at him. I then quickly turn around and walk in the direction of Ellen's office. I open her door and step in, closing the door behind me.

"Sorry I'm just about to come." She apologizes but I stop her talking.

"I refuse to record the song with Austin. Or do the video with him." I say bluntly and she stares at me in shock.

"What? Why?" She asks looking extremely confused as a few minutes ago I was happy and excited to do it but now I refuse.

"I just caught Austin and Scarlett eating each other's faces off." I say hesitantly and she gasps.

"Scarlett as in Tristan's girlfriend?" She asks and I nod, my lips quivering and my eyes getting watery. I don't why I cry. It could either be the fact that I have been friends with this girl and I would never expect her to do something like this or that I had to be the one to witness it. Not anyone else, it had to be me.

"Oh gosh come here." Ellen walks over to me and gives me a big hug.

"I will do my best. It will be very difficult but I will try as hard as I can." She says and I smile, nodding and wiping the tears off my face.

"Now I want you to go home and have a rest but also try and figure out who could be another alternative to do the duo with." She says and I nod and sling my bag around my shoulder.

"Bye." I say faintly.

"Goodbye." I walk out of her office and make my way to the exit of the building.

I climb into the car, turning on the heaters, instantly warming me up. I let out a sigh as I think through what just happened. I still can't get over it. What if she doesn't tell Tris and I do but he doesn't believe me.

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