34: a wedding?

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<> Skylar's P.O.V <>

"LET'S GO CRAZY CRAZY CRAZY TILL WE SEE THE SUN!" Ella, Alyssa and I blurt out the lyrics to One Direction. We are all still wearing our pyjamas and we are holding hairbrushes in our hands, pretending we are the band.

I hear my phone faintly ringing from the kitchen and I jump down from the couch, running over to it and answering it.

"Hello?" I realise I didn't check the caller ID.

"Hey Sky its Lucie." I hear on the other side of the phone and I smile, walking into another room to get away from the noise.

"Oh hey Luce! How are things?" I sit down on the lounge in another room and I hear ruffling on the other side of the phone.

"Things are pretty good but I have some news." She says and I wait for her to tell.

"Carter proposed to Piper and they're getting married in like two weeks." She says quickly, taking me aback and I furrow my eyebrows.

"Woah when did this happen?" I ask her in a state of shock.

"He only proposed a week ago and they want to be married as soon as possible. I don't know? It's really strange to me." She says and I nod.

"Alright so I need to fly back home for the wedding?" I ask her.

"Yeah that would be good because I think we need you to keep all of us grounded while the planning goes on. You should bring Brad as your date and Carter even said he wants Brad there too." She says and I sigh, looking around.

"Alright well I'll see you in a few days then?" I say and she chuckles a bit.

"Yep see you in a few days. Love you." She says and I smile. I'm so glad I have such a good relationship with my sister because I know some sisters that don't even want to be near each other.

"Love you too. Bye." I say then hang up. I stand up and walk back into the room where the girls are still dancing and singing, but now to Justin Bieber. I walk over to the iPod and pause the music. They stop dancing and give me glares.

"Carter is getting married." I tell them simply and their jaws drop in shock and they get down from the lounge.

"You're joking?" Ella asks me in shock and I nod.

"Yep. In two weeks and I only just found out so Brad and I are going to fly over to Sydney for the wedding." I tell them and they are still in shock.

"Anyway well I've gotta ask Brad if he can come." I say, walking off and up to my room. Once I get there I sit down on my bed and call him. It dials a few times but then he finally answers the call.

"Hey Baby." He says and I smile.

"Hey Brad. So I wanted to ask. Are you free for the next two or so weeks?" I ask him.

"Yeah I am why?" He sounds very confused.

"Well long story short. Carter is getting married and we've been invited to his wedding back home." I tell him.

"Oh really? Wow when did this all happen?" He asks me, in just as much shock as everyone else was in.

"He proposed a week ago and the weddings in two weeks. It's with his on and off girlfriend Piper." I tell him and he chuckles a bit.

"Alright well yeah of course I'll come." He tells me and I smile.

"I can book the flights for us if you want?" He asks me and I smile even wider.

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