30: after party troubles

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<> Skylar's P.O.V <>

I make my way out of the venue holding the two RDMA trophies in my hands. Yes I won the Best Female Artist which is even huger than the Breakout Artist award. I have the two trophies held against my chest by one of my hands and the other hand is link with Brads.

"Now we have the after party..." Brad says, sounding very tired even though by the time we are at the party he will be very awake.

"I hope I get to meet Zendaya!" I squeal a bit. I remember watching Shake it Up on Disney Channel when I was younger and Rocky was my favourite character.

"You sound like a classic fangirl!" Connor laughs from next to us and I poke my tongue out at him.

"Just because I'm famous doesn't mean I can't fangirl?" I say and he nods.

"This is true I fangirl about you all the time!" Brad states and I burst into laughter.

"I don't blame you! I'm fab!" I joke, doing a fake hair flick but it doesn't really work as my hair is pinned up.

The boys laugh and we all climb into a limo which will take us straight to wherever the party is. We all just talk about random stuff and I quickly change my skirt to a white mini skirt as wearing the maxi skirt could get uncomfortable.

Brad made sure than the boys would not stare. He doesn't want anyone to stare at me, 'his girl'. The boys have seen me in a bikini before and there's not much of a difference anyway.

The limo stops just as I get the skirt into position and the door is opened. Tris, Con and James get out of the car first and Brad and I get out together, holding hands. There are no paparazzi or anything here at all. Thank the lord.

We all make our way to the entrance and the doors are opened, the flashing of lights and people walking around and talking to other are revealed. I walk in, my hand still entwined with Brads and I look around. Brad goes off to meet someone with the boys and I am left all alone.

I feel a tap at my shoulder and I turn around to see Zendaya staring down at me. She is hella tall holy crap...

"Oh my gosh hi..." I say in awe and she smiles. We are actually the exact same age so this shouldn't be that awkward.

"Hey! God job on your two awards! You deserved them." She says, smiling and I chuckle, making a weird sound as I do so. Wow she is like flawless and I'm like... Ugh.

"No you're gorgeous! If anything you're flawless!" She smiles, making me blush a bit.

"That's so sweet. I'm a big fan by the way." I say, still in awe. Wow I'm probably embarrassing myself heaps...

"I'm a big fan too! I listen to your music all the time! I am obsessed!" She smiles excitedly, making me laugh.


<> Bradley's P.O.V <>

I look around, trying to find Sky when I see her sitting on a bench stool, talking to someone. I walk over to her and see that she is talking to Nash Grier.

"Hey!" Sky says and I smile, wrapping my arm around her waist and looking at Nash. I swear to god if he tries or tried to make a move on her I will be so mad.

"Skylar and I were just talking about how well she performed today." Nash smiles, winking at her and I start holding her closer. She is my girl and no one else's.

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