18: back home

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1 month later

<> Skylar's P.O.V <>

"Could you please fasten your seatbelts as we prepare for landing? We hope you enjoyed your flight." I hear a voice over the intercom and I smile wide.

I look over to Brad and see that he's asleep and I smile. I place my hand on his shoulder and shake him a bit, causing him to wake up.

"Morning sleepyhead." I smile and he smiles faintly.

"We're about to land put your seatbelt on." I tell him and he nods and does so.

"You excited to be back home?" He asks and I nod, looking out the window with a big smile on my face as I see the buildings and cars that are covered in white snow.

"I am. We can live a normalish life now." I chuckle and he laughs.

"I don't think our life will ever be normal Sky..." He says and I nod.

"True." I look at him and smile and he chuckles and looks out the window. The plane rumbles a bit as it lands and it stops to a halt. After about 10 minutes of sitting in the plane and getting ready to leave we are told that we are now allowed to go.

"FINALLY!" Connor shouts and all the other passengers around stare at us and we laugh at Con.

We all walk out of the plane and down the long hallway that connects the plane and the big building that is the airport.

When we get out of the hallway we go straight to the bagging area and Tris starts getting nervous as he is seeing Scarlett for the first time since we left and he's really been missing her a lot. It's quite cute actually.

We get our suitcases and make our way to the exit of the airport where we are meeting Scarlett. Scarlett obviously sees us and she pops out of nowhere and sprints over to Tris and he engulfs her in a hug, lifting her off the ground. She squeals and laughs and he laughs with her and we all awe.

I feel someone tap me on the shoulder and I turn around and see a person I least expected to see at the moment. My best friend Ella was standing behind me with a big smile on her face.

"Oh my gosh!" I squeal and let go of my suitcases and she smiles and engulfs me in a hug.

"What are you doing here?" I ask her in shock and she laughs.

"I graduated and remember we said when I graduate I would move in with you?" She says and I gasp.

"YES! I won't have to live alone anymore!" I shout and she laughs and the boys just look at her weirdly.

"Oh right Ella this is Tristan, Connor, James and Bradley my boyfriend." I introduce them.

"Hey guys nice to meet you. And Boyfriend? This is new." She smirks and wriggles her eyebrows and I laugh and blush a bit.

"Okay I just want to get back home now. Can we go?" I say, grabbing my suitcases again.

"Yeah let's go!" Connor says and we all walk out the big doors on the airport. We walk over to two taxi's and put all our bags in them.

Ella, James, Brad and I go in one taxi and the others go in the other taxi. I tell the taxi driver Ella and I's address as its closer to here than the boy's houses.

We sit in the car and talk about random stuff and the taxi driver just sits silently in the driver's seat. The taxi starts getting closer to the house and eventually pulls up in front of it. We all get out of the car and the taxi driver gets my bags out of the back.

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