23: operation skylar

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love you and enjoy this chappie xxx


1 week later

<> Skylar's P.O.V <>

"Skylar please get out of bed. I'm begging you now..." Ella begs and I sigh, throwing the covers off me.

"Fine..." I climb out of bed and she smiles. She pulls me in for a tight hug and I bury my face into the crook of her neck.

"I don't like seeing you like this..." She whispers and we pull apart. She has a sad expression on her face and she looks tired. A feeling of guilt hits me like a truck as I am the reason for it.

"I'm sorry I've been so grumpy and rude to you the last few weeks..." I apologise and she smiles.

"It's alright. I'm just worried about you, you know. I just want to ask you something..." She says, sitting down on the bed and I sit down next to her.

"Do you hate him?" She asks and I know the answer clearly.

"No I couldn't hate him ever. I just can't bring myself to hate him. I still love him more than anything which is the thing that hurts me the most. Because I just can't let go of him even though he hurt me so much..." I say honestly, a single tear falling from my eye.

My phone beeps and it's a twitter notification. I go on twitter and it's a tweet from the boys.

TheVampsBand: Twitcam at 2:30 Birmingham time! We want the biggest audience ever! Can't wait! We have a big announcement!

I sigh and lock my phone, putting it to the side and looking back at Ella.

"We should watch the Twitcam. It's in 10 minutes." She says and I shake my head.

"I don't want to. It will make things harder." She sighs and looks at me with puppy eyes.

"At least watch it for the other boys. They didn't do anything to you." She says and she's right. I nod and she smiles.

"Come on lets go downstairs and get some blankets and my laptop and we'll watch it." She says, standing up and grabbing my hand, pulling me out of my room and downstairs. We get downstairs and she walks into the lounge room and I follow after her.

We get in the lounge room and she connects her laptop to the TV so we can watch it on the big screen.

By now its 5 minute until the twitcam starts and we get it up on the laptop, waiting. Ella pulls the blanket over us, instantly warming us up. The twitcam pops up and Ella clicks on it, opening the screen, showing the boys sitting on their lounge.

"HEY GUYS!" Tristan shouts and they all wave to the camera and I laugh a bit. I see Ella out of the corner of my eye texting someone.

"Get off your phone!" I scold her and she puts her phone away. I look back at the TV and look at Brad who's sitting on the lounge next to James smiling. I guess he's happy now that we've broken up. He's probably happy with that other girl he had his hands all over at the party.

"We have a big announcement shortly but first we are going to do a Q&A so just tweet some questions to the hashtag #TheVampsLiveStream and we will answer them for you." James says and Connor gets out his phone.

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