9: something's wrong

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<> Skylar's P.O.V <>

"Faster!" I shout out to James as he carries me on his back and runs from one end of the park to the other. I look next to me and see Con on Tristan's back and they are catching up to us.

"Hurry James! They're catching up!" I squeal and James runs faster and faster. I look to the side and see Brad sitting at the park bench watching us.

"We're gonna beat you!" I hear Con shout and I turn around and look at me.

"Ex-cuuuseeee me? I think you got it wrong... We're going to beat YOU!" I say and Con laughs at me.

"The sass is unreal." Con snaps his fingers and I laugh at him. I see James and I approaching the finish line and I scream when we step behind the finish line before Con and Tris. James puts me down and we jump up and down at cheer.

James hugs me and lifts me off the ground and I squeal then he puts me down. I see Brad approaching us with a sad look on his face and I stop cheering.

"What's up?" I ask him and he sighs and runs his hand through his hair.

"Nothing," He says, looking up at me and putting on a fake smile. I decide not to ask anymore because he may get more upset so I leave it be.

"We've got a combined interview with Nova radio soon so we should go..." Brad grumbles and starts walking towards where the tour buses are parked. I raise my eyebrows and try and catch up to him.

"Are you sure you're alright Brad?" I ask him when I turn up beside him.

"Yes I'm fine I told you already, just go off to James or something." He snaps and my heart drops and I feel a pang of sadness hit me. Did do something wrong? I look down at my feet as he runs ahead of me and into his tour bus.

A tear drops from my eye and I sniffle as they continue to fall slowly. I run my hand through my hair and let out a big sigh.

The boys catch up to me and see that I stopped walking, "What happened Sky?" James asks and I try not to face them, worried that they will see the tears slowly cascading down my face.

"It's uh... It's nothing don't worry about it." I put on a fake smile and walk ahead of them to my bus. I get into my new tour bus and shut the door behind me, walking over to the part of it that has my bed and wardrobes in it.

I plop onto my bed and lie back, thinking about what happened before. I place my hands on my eyes to try and stop the tears from falling.

What did I do to make him snap at me? His change of character from this morning to now was so different so something must have changed his mood.

I sigh and check the time and see that I have wasted too much time thinking and I don't have much time to get ready for the interview. I quickly get off my bed and open my wardrobe doors to find something nice to wear.

I roam through my stuff and find the perfect outfit. It is a baby pink set with a long sleeve crop top that is high at the neck with a matching pencil skirt. I put it on and look through my shoes and find some white high heel, lace up boots. I put them on then move onto my makeup, rushing to the bathroom.

I do my makeup quite simple but also presentable because I have an interview. I put on foundation, blush, mascara and light pink lipstick to match my outfit. When I am completely done I tie my hair in its normal high ponytail and grab my handbag and walk out of the bus. I see the boys standing on the path, waiting and I walk over to them.

"You took your time." Brad says, climbing into the car and I roll my eyes. James taps me on the shoulder and shakes his head.

"Don't worry about it." He says and I sigh and climb into the car sitting next to Brad and James as Tris is driving, Connor called dibs and I have the smallest butt of us in the back of the car.

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