2: party

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<> Skylar's P.O.V <>

It is now half an hour until the party and I am just trying to figure out what I should wear. It takes me a while but I pick out one of my favourite dresses. It is a peach skater dress with a plunging neckline and a low back. I pair it with a pair of white heels that my sister gave me as a leaving present.

I put on my makeup which consists of foundation, blush, mascara, eyeliner and pick lipgloss. I put my brown hair into two side braids and then I am done. The party started around 15 minutes ago so I sill be fashionably late as usual. I stuff my phone in my bra but make sure people can't see it and I leave the house.

I get in my little black mini and drive off; following the directions that Brad gave me. I start to get nervous as I realise that Brad, Tristan, James and Connor are the only people I know but this could be a chance to make new friends.

I arrive outside the house and I can hear the music from inside of my car. I step out of my car and I see a few people drinking and smoking on the lawn and the front door is wide open. I walk up the pathway and enter the house that reeks of alcohol and cigarette smoke. I make my way through the full house and try and find Bradley or at least one of the other boys.

As I walk through I feel someone grab my bum and I quickly spin around and look at the person in disgust. That person is a guy around my age with blonde hair that is in a quiff and a white shirt and chinos he is holding a red cup in his hand and is taking gulps of whatever liquid is in it.

"Hey girl." He winks and I roll my eyes and cross my arms across my chest.

"Hello." I smile sarcastically and he smiles, wobbling around a bit.

"I just wanted to say that your hot as fuck." He tries to drunkenly flirt but I just stand there watching the guy try in amusement.

"Thank you for that compliment?" I chuckle not knowing what to say and he smiles and checks me out I just stand there looking around for one of the boys then all of a sudden he grabs me and tries to kiss me. Just as his lips are about to smash against mine he is shoved back, him letting go of me and letting me tumble to the floor freely because of how strong his grip was.

The person who knocked him over helps me up and I look at him and see Brad.

"That's the second time you've helped me up today." I shout over the music with a very happy smile and he chuckles and is just about to say something but the guy screams at him.

"What's your problem!?" The guy gets in Brads face and I grab Brad's arm, feeling scared.

"Your trying to kiss my girlfriend!" Brad shouts at him and I start at him in shock. Girlfriend? Since when was I his girlfriend we only just met didn't we?

"Girlfriend? Trust me only I can get a girl that hot." He smirks and I roll my eyes and scoff.

"Please do not speak about her like that! Now go off and perve on a girl that is single thank you." Brad says angrily and the guy rolls his eyes and walks off.

Brad scoffs and grabs my hand, leading me out of the crowd and out to his backyard where it is silent and empty besides the casual smoker. Brad takes me to the back of the yard where there is a table and chairs and we sit down at them.

"Thanks for helping me back there but really girlfriend?" I chuckle and and shakes his head and looks down, stifling a laugh.

"I was just doing it to protect you." He puts his hands back in mock surrender. I chuckle and look up at the stars and moon.

"It's a beautiful night." I smile up at the sky and look over to Brad who is already looking at me.

"Yeah it is." He says smiling at me and not even glimpsing up at the stars. I feel my cheeks heat up and pray that he didn't see the deep shade of red on my cheeks.

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