37: crashing

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<> Skylar's P.O.V <>

I put my pen back down on the table and look down at my song book to see what I have wrote so far. I have been writing this song for a while and I know it's going to be very good considering how much time I'm putting into it.

I check the time on my clock and it's already 4 in the afternoon. I close my book and put it back in the drawer, concluding song writing for the day.

I grab my phone and walk out of my room and downstairs. I walk into the kitchen to get something to eat. I put my phone down on the bench and open the pantry doors. I see a pack of microwave mac n cheese at the top and I reach up, standing on my toes to get it.

I just can't reach it and I am stretching heaps when I am interrupted by my phone ringing from beside me. I land back on my flat feet and look at my phone to see my Mums caller ID on my screen.

I pick my phone up and answer, placing it to my ear, "Hey Mum!" I say happily as I close the pantry door.

I hear a sniffle on the other end of the phone and I frown a bit, "Hey Sky..." She says and I smile faintly.

"How are things back home?" I ask her after a few seconds of silence which is weird because usually when on the phone to my Mum she talks the whole time.

"Could be better... What about you honey?" She asks, her voice a bit shaky. Now I know something is wrong...

"I'm great. So what's up Mum?" I ask her slowly and I hear her take a deep breathe in.

"Do you have time?" She asks and I knit my eyebrows together in confusion.

"Yes I do. Mum what's going on?" I ask worriedly, leaning on the kitchen bench and waiting for her to answer.

"Last night Lucie..." Suddenly my Mum bursts into a fit of tears and I am in a complete stage of shock. This is all so confusing I have no idea what's going on.

"She was diagnosed with Leukaemia." She says quickly and a feel a sharp pang in my chest, making me let out a little gasp.

"W-what? That's not p-possible. How?" I try to deny it. I think as if I believe it's not true then it's not. But it doesn't really work like that does it?

"About a month ago Lucie got really sick and we didn't know what it was but then we got her tested and she has Chronic Myeloid Leukaemia." She says and I feel tears drop from my eyes.

"No. no. no. This can't be happening! She's so young..." I feel my hands start to shake as I whimper, still trying to process this information. My 18 year old sister has Leukaemia. The happy and bright 18 year old girl that I have known all her life has been diagnosed with Leukaemia.

"Is she okay?" I ask quickly and I hear some fumbling on the other side of the call.

"Yeah she is fine. She didn't take it well, either did Carter. We are all in the Hospital at the moment and they are running some tests on her." She says and I take a deep breathe in, trying to process the information.

"I'm going to come home..." I say, followed by a few seconds of silence.

"What? Sky don't be silly. We can take care of her-" She starts only to be interrupted by me.

"Mum I need to be there with her. You know that..."

"But you have everything over in England. Ella and Alyssa are over there, your career is based over there and most importantly Brad! You have been dating him for nearly three years and I know you really love him. Your whole live is over there and I don't want you to throw it all away!" She says and I sigh, a few tears falling from my eyes.

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