29: RDMA's

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<> Skylar's P.O.V <>

"I'm so excited this is my first time doing someone's makeup for an award show!" Alisha says excitedly and I laugh. I have my eyes closed and she is doing my eyeshadow.

My makeup today is quite a lot heavier than other times because I'm walking the red carpet. I have already been shown what I'm wearing but I haven't put it on yet.

"Done!" She says, looking at my makeup proudly. I look in the mirror and it's pretty amazing. I have fake eyelashes on to make my eyelashes look bigger and longer. I know it sounds bad that I'm wearing fake eyelashes but this is the red carpet.

I have cat eye eyeliner and a light eyeshadow. My lips are a natural matte tone and I have light blush. Though the makeup is light colours it's quite heavy.

She hands me my outfit and I get changed into it. It's a white high neck crop top with a bare back and gold studs all over it and a white maxi skirt with a big slit in the middle. The skirt trails behind me quite a bit and I have white high heels on.

She does my hair into a Dutch braid up do, leaving out little bits to look a bit messy. My nails are also painted a solid white.

"Good luck." She says holding her hands up to her chest and taking a big breath in.

"Thank you so much. I look beautiful thanks to you." I say, giving her a hug and she hugs me back. She turns around grabbing a bottle of Michael Kors perfume and handing it to me. I spray some on myself and smile.

"See you and have fun!" She says as I walk out the door.

"Bye!" I shout to her then I am escorted outside by some security guards. When we get outside I see the boys waiting in front of a limousine.

I look at Brad and he is staring at me smiling. He is wearing a plain white t-shirt, black jeans, a leather jacket and some sunglasses hanging from the collar of his shirt. I walk over to him and he continues to smile wide.

"Wow..." He says when I get to him and I blush. He pulls me in and places a long lingering kiss on my lips, making me smile.

"You look amazing..." He looks down at me and I blush even more. We all climb into the limo and its starts driving to the RDMA'S.

"Why thank you. You look okay I guess..." I trail off and look in the other direction, trying hard to hold in my laughter.

He fake gasps and I burst into laughter, "Just as well you're a good singer because you suck at acting!" Brad says and I pout, folding my arms.

"I'm just joking Sky..." He says, placing his hand on my thigh and I unfold my arms and blush. The other boys are too deep into their conversation too notice.

The limo stops driving and the door is opened. Brad immediately takes his hand off my thigh and climbs out with the boys. I wait a few seconds as I am walking down separately but we are all sitting together.

I get out and there are lots of camera flashes. I smile and wave a bit to the crowd of fans and paparazzi. I smile as I was told and start walking down. I bet my mouth is going to get sore from all the smiling today. I shake it off and continue to gradually walk down the red carpet.

I stop a few times to pose for pictures. Its actually pretty amazing being on the red carpet. I see an interviewer calling me over and I walk over to her and she smiles.

"Hi Skylar!" She says, holding her microphone under my mouth and I smile.

"Hey!" I smile.

"So this is your first time on the red carpet how do you feel?" She asks and I chuckle.

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