6: departure

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<> Skylar's P.O.V <>

I sit on my last bag and zip the zipper up all the way. I place my bag next to my other two bags. I let out a big sigh and check the time. Its 11:20 and I am getting picked up at 11:30.

I take my bags downstairs and sit on the couch, on my phone for a few minutes when I hear a knock at my door. I stand up and walk over to the door and open it up, revealing Brad standing there.

"Hey Brad." I smile and give him a quick hug. I turn around and get one of my bags, taking it to the door.

"Want some help?" He asks as he sees my struggle with the bags.

"Ahhh yes please." I chuckle and he walk over to my bags and grabs them, taking them out the door and to the car.

I grab my house key and look into the empty house before closing the door behind me.

"You excited?" Brad asks as we walk to the car.

"Very excited." I say and we climb into the car. I see all the boys sitting in the car and I greet them with a big smile in my face.

"Hey Sky." They say and James drives off.

"Hey guys!"

"Turn on the radio!" Con says to Tris who is sitting in the front with James and he turns the radio on.

Bad Blood by Taylor Swift comes and we all start singing along. As we sing along with the new song I start to get more and more excited for these next 3 months.


"Please fasten your seatbelts as we are about to land. Thank you for your convenience and I hope you enjoyed your flight." The pilot says over the speakers and my nerves go up.

I fasten my seatbelt and look over to Brad who is sitting there on his phone with his headphones plugged in.

I tap his shoulder and he looks to me and takes his headphones out, "Have you guys been on tour before?" I ask him and he nods.

"Yeah we've been on one tour before but it wasn't as big as this one." He says and I nod.

"I'm excited to see you guys play." I say and he smiles.

"I'm excited to see you sing too." He says and I smile and the planes rumbles a bit as it lands on the asphalt.


"What are we doing first?" I ask Ellen.

"Well we are going to check into our hotel then we are going straight to sound check because the show is tonight." She says and I nod. The taxi drops us off in front of a big hotel and we walk in.

"This place is amazing." I gush as I look around at the fancy surroundings.

"I know right." Brad says as he looks around.

Ellen and Joe walk over to us and hand us each a key, "Tris and James you're sharing a room, Brad and Connor you're sharing a room and Skylar you get your own room." He says and I let out a little squeal.

"Your rooms are all next to eachother so go up to them, put your bags in and then come straight down here." Ellen says and we all run to the elevators with our bags.

"Who else is so excited for tonight?" I ask everyone and they laugh at me.

"Is it your first time performing in front of a big audience?" James asks and I nod, shamefully.

The Moon // bradley simpsonWhere stories live. Discover now