32: finding someone new

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I walk around my room, humming along to the beat of a new song I'm writing. When I hear the doorbell ring from downstairs. I remember that no one else is home with me so I run out of my room and downstairs.

I open the front door, still humming a bit but I stop when I see Tristan standing there, looking nervous.

"Oh hey Tris! Come in." I step out of the way of the door and he steps into the house, me closing the door behind me.

"What's up?" I ask, walking into the kitchen with him following closely behind me.

"Okay so basically I met this girl a few days ago. Anyway I asked her out on a date and she actually said yes and I have no idea what to do." He tells me and my eyes widen.

"You got a date?" I ask in shock. This is a really big thing for him after the whole ordeal with Scarlett went down. That really affected him so this is a big change.

He nods, "Oh my gosh! That is so good Tris come here?" I hold my arms out and he laughs, giving me a hug.

"So what's the girl like please tell?" I ask him, sitting down on one of the stools at the island in the kitchen and he sits on one across from me.

"She works in the music store in the Mall. I met her there. Her names Isabella and she is about 3 inches smaller than me, she has long dark brown hair and pale skin. She's really pretty. She's into Nirvana and all the bands I like. She just seems different to the other girls and I really like it." He says and I smile.

"Awh this is so cute okay so I have a great idea for the date. You should take her on a picnic." I tell him, having the perfect image in my head.

"That's a great idea! How did I not think of that?" He thinks to himself and I laugh, standing up.

"Here lets go to the supermarket and we'll get some food and things for the picnic. Let me just get my things." I tell him quickly then turning around and sprinting upstairs. I get my things, running back down and grabbing his wrist.

"I'm so excited let's go!" I drag him out of my house, locking it and walking out.

We get in his car and he drives off. I start to explain the whole idea I have about the setup of it and everything and he seems really keen. He pulls up at the supermarket and we get out of the car, walking up to the entrance and through the sliding doors.

"Grab a trolley." I order and he laughs, scoffing and walking to the trolley bay, getting one out and continuing to walk next to me.

"You're very bossy sometimes." He says and I roll my eyes.

"No I'm not!" I retaliate, "I'm just assertive." I say looking around and he laughs.

"Same thing!" He says and I laugh, walking towards the fruit section. I get two punnets of strawberries, placing them in the trolley.

"Strawberries dipped into chocolate icing is one of the most romantic snacks." I say to him randomly.

"And who made it one of the most romantic snacks?" He asks me and I scowl, shrugging.

"Me?" We continue to walk through, aisle by aisle and picking out the things that fit our needs. Once were done we buy all the things and head out, putting it all in the car.

"We got a lot are you sure we need that much?" Tris looks at all the bags.

"Some of it is for the girls and I at home. We can't starve you know?" I say sarcastically, shutting the boot and walking around to my side of the car, getting in.

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