15: meeting the family

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<> Skylar's P.O.V <>

I turn on the warm shower water and step into it, letting the water soak me. I wash my hair and shave my necessary parts and then get out. I wrap the towel around me and realise that I forgot my clothes. I open the door and see that Brad is probably downstairs. I let out a sigh and walk to my wardrobe.

I look through my clothes and try to decide on an outfit. I take out my outfit and then quickly run into the bathroom when I hear footsteps. I lock the door behind me and get changed quickly.

I change into a black tie around crop top and a yellow maxi skirt with a side split on it. I blow dry my hair until it's completely dry then I straighten it. I put on my makeup and decide to leave it natural with just foundation, mascara and lip gloss.

I walk out of the bathroom and I hear movement downstairs. I put on my black sandals and grab my clutch and walk downstairs where I see Brad in the kitchen.

"What are you doing?" I ask him as I see him cooking some eggs on the stove.

"I'm making you breakfast." He says, not turning around yet.

"That's sweet." I smile and he turns around, when he sees me he smiles wide.

"You look gorgeous." He walks over to me and gives me a peck on the lips. He then walks back into the kitchen and continues to cook my food.

I look at what he is wearing and I am impressed. He is wearing one of his many pairs of black jeans and his dodger's button up shirt with his normal black shoes.

"Here we go." He says, handing me the plate of bacon and eggs.

"Thankyou..." I say, taking the plate, walking towards the table where I sit down and start eating. I finish the food quite quickly as its really nice and I check the time.

"Let's go!" I say, grabbing Brad's hand and running out of the bus.

We get out of the venue and stand on the side of the road as we try to get a taxi. A taxi stops in front of us and we climb into it and I tell the driver my old address. He starts driving in that direction and I get a bit nervous and excited.

Brad grabs a hold of my hand and squeezes it gently. I look up to him and smile as the taxi gets closer and closer to my family's house. I see the beach that I used to surf at every morning and he pulls up in front of my house where I see many cars parked around the place.

Brad hands him the money and we get out of the car. The man drives off, leaving us standing on the pavement, looking at my house.

I get out my phone and text Lucie that we are here. All of a sudden the front door bursts open and closes and I see a girl run out.

"Lucie!" I squeal, running over to her and pulling her into a tight hug.

"Oh my gosh Sky I missed you so much!" She squeals into my shoulder and I laugh and let go of the hug.

"I missed you too Lucie." I smile and she looks over to Brad.

"Oh right... Lucie this is Brad and Brad this is Lucie." I introduce them and they shake hands.

"Nice to meet you." Lucie says and I smile.

"Sky has been telling me all about you." She says and I whack her in the arm.

"Ouch!" She winces and I poke my tongue out at her. She laughs and tucks some of her long hair behind her ear.

"So how are we going to do this?" I ask her and she turns around to make sure nobody from the family is watching.

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