13: bad memories

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<> Skylar's P.O.V <>

"This is so crazy! I've never been backstage at a concert before!" Alyssa says, playing with her backstage pass that is around her neck.

"Well you're lucky. You get to see me perform. Oh you know... And the boys..." I joke as Alicia does my makeup.

"I would have loved to have my own makeup artist, slash stylist, slash hairdresser... You're so lucky." She whinges and I chuckle.

"So what's going on with you and Connor?" I ask her and she blushes and looks down. Alicia moves onto my hair and puts it in a high ponytail leaving it all natural. She then gets my outfit and hands it to me. I stand up and walk to the dressing room and close the curtain behind me.

"Nothing's going on what made you think that?" She asks and I laugh.

"Alyssa I think I've known you for long enough to know your bullshitting. Tell me the truth." I say and I hear her sigh. I pull on the fluro pink, strapless playsuit and zip it up at the back and come out of the change room.

"He's really sweet and yeah I guess I do kinda like him but think about it. He lives in Birmingham, I live in Brisbane. It won't work." She says, sounding disappointed and I sigh and sit next to her after I put on my fluro yellow heels.

"Well if you really like him I think I have an idea." I say and she looks up at me quickly.

"What?" She asks quickly and I laugh at her.

"After the tour you could move in with me." I say and her eyes widen as she hears the offer.

"Wouldn't that be too much trouble for you?" She asks and I shake my head.

"No. I live alone in a 4 bedroom house it would be fine." I say and she smiles wide.

"I would have to think about ibut I would love to!" She says, pulling be into a tight hug. I check the time on my phone and I have 5 minutes to get on the stage.

"Oh crap let's go!" I say grabbing her wrist and running out the door. We run as fast as we can down the very, very long hallway. We get to the door that opens into backstage and we open it, scaring everyone standing backstage.

The boys turn around and smile when they see us.

"Oh gosh you're here... Good." The backstage guy says, handing me my microphone.

I walk up to Brad and he gives me a tight hug, "Good luck baby." He says in my ear and I smile.

"30 seconds." Someone says behind me as we pull apart. I look up at Brad and smile, placing a long kiss on his lips before letting go and running onto the stage.

"Hey guys!" I shout out to the audience and they all cheer. I look out to everyone and wave to people who are waving at me and read all the posters.

'I love you Skylar!'

'Brylar 4eva!'

'Marry me Brad!'


Some of them read and I smile to myself and hold the microphone to my mouth, "So tonight the first song I'm singing is a cover of 'Let her Go' by Passenger. I hope you like it." I smile to them and I start singing.

The crowd waves their phones with the torch turned on it and I smile to myself as I see all the lights shining.

When I finish the song the crowd cheers and I look behind me and see a stool. I grab the stool and pull it forward, sitting on it.

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