8: fun fun fun

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<> Skylar's P.O.V <>

"SKY WAKE UP!" I hear banging at my door and I let out a loud groan. I pull the covers off me and stand up, walking towards the door where the banging is coming from. I open the door, revealing Brad in only his boxers.

"What are you doing?" I burst into laughter when I see him and he runs into the room.

"Connor locked me out of the room and I heard people coming down the hallway." He says as he jumps onto my bed. I let out a chuckle and go and sit next to him.

"Whats on today?" I ask and he sighs.

"Well today we have a free day so there's no concert. I was thinking that you and I could spend the day together." He says and I smile.

"Yeah?" I say and he nods.

"We could stay in, watch some movies, muck around, what do you think?" He asks and I smile and nod.

"That would be lovely." I smile and untie my messy bun, letting my brown wavy hair fall past my shoulders.

"Well the boys want to go to the pool do you want to go then come back here and watch some movies?" He asks and I agree, willingly.

"Well I'll just go and try and get back into my room so I can get ready." He stands up and stretches out. I can't help but stare at his abs as he does so but he turns around and walks to the door.

"See you soon." He says, opening the door and walking out.

I sit up from my bed and walk over to my bag to find some clothes. I take out my favourite tropical patterned halter bikini, some ripped denim shorts and a plain white muscle tee.

I put it all on and brush out my hair then leave it its natural wavy self. I think about what's going to happen when we go to Australia. We've been on tour for a month already and we still have a few more shows here in America. When we get to Australia it will be the start of summer so I will be able to go out and surf hopefully.

I hear a knock at my door so I grab my thongs (flip flops/sandals)and put them on then I grab my towel, sunglasses, sunscreen and my phone.

I race to the door and open it revealing Brad smiling at me. "Let's go." I say, grabbing my key from the table next to my door and shutting the door behind me.

"The boys are already down at the pool." Brad says and I nod.

"Last one to the pool is a rotten egg." I say and start sprinting down the hallway and to the stairs.

"Oh no you don't." Brad follows me and I laugh as he tries to catch. I get to the bottom of the flight of stairs and I'm running towards the pool when I feel someone grab my waist.

I let out a loud scream and I hear a laugh from behind me as he lifts me up.

"Brad!" I squeal, as he throws me over his shoulder and starts running to the pool area.

"Put me down!" I scream and he chuckles and places me down on the ground just as we get to the doors of the pool area.

We are going to the indoor pool considering its winter here in Florida. I lightly whack him in the chest and laugh as he opens the pool doors. We walk in and see the boys mucking around in the pool.

"We've been waiting for you!" Tris shouts as he climbs out of the pool. Brad and I walk over to two pool chairs that are next to each other and we put our stuff down on them.

I unbutton my shorts and take them off, putting them on the chair then I do the same for my shirt.

I turn around and see Brad staring at me with his mouth open and I blush and look at him with raised eyebrows. He quickly looks away and pulls his shirt off, chucking it on the chair.

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