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"Hang in there, Ginny! I'll let you out of here," Maykha carried Ginny in her arms as she tried to get away from the boy as far as possible. There was something about the boy that she found sinister. The way he looked and the way he spoke, it was as if he was nothing but danger.

Finally, when she created a safe distance from him, she put Ginny down and hid her behind one of the snake-shaped statues to keep her safe. As she stood to face the boy, Maykha gripped her wand, so tight she feared it would snap any moment.

It was only then had the chance to analyze the situation. The weird carving on the metal door of the chamber had a person's head with snakes, the interior of the chamber was also filled with snake statues. Salazar Slytherin adored snakes so much that it became his house emblem. Putting those information together like puzzle pieces, she gulped in terror as she realized what she had gotten herself into.

"Don't tell me, I'll be fighting with the Heir of Slytherin whatsoever?" She whispered nervously and swallowed her dry saliva. She tried denying the possibility as the boy could not possibly the Heir of Slytherin. It was supposed to be a long time ago, and the boy in front of her did not look like he was much older than she was.

However, it was his unsettling presence that made Maykha question her own reason.

If he was really the heir of Slytherin, then what are chances of her getting out of the chamber with her limbs still intact?

Clenching her locket at her own thoughts made her sick to the stomach, she needed strength. She needed to feel safe, and it was her locket. Closing her eyes to calm her nerves, she whispered her incantation.

"Sempera defendus."

Just as always, those words had its way of making her feel invincible. Feeling as though she had finally gathered the strength and bravery she needed, Maykha was finally able to meet his eyes and not quaver.

The boy was still standing where they left him, now holding the black notebook that Ginny always had before. Maykha pointed her wand at him and said, "Give me back that notebook, that's not yours."

To her surprise, the boy laughed amusedly. "'That's no yours', eh? How could you be so sure?"

"I've seen Ginny carry it everyday, obviously! Give it back, that's invasion of privacy, you stalker!"

The boy stepped closer, and Maykha stepped backwards. "You're not my opponent."

He raised his hands, as if he was about to do something, or summon something with it, when they heard a blasting noise that echoed from outside of the chambers. A few moment later, Harry and Neville came running towards her.

"Harry! Neville!" Her body acted before her mind when she threw herself into the boys to hug them. There was a instant gush of relief inside her chest as she realized that she was no longer alone. With her friends by her side, she knew they could face the boy.

"Maykha! Are you alright? Are you hurt anywhere?" Neville cupped her cheeks, inspecting for any wounds. Thankfully, she only looked a bit disheveled from all the running she did earlier. But it was the worry look on the boy's face that made Maykha feel better. Neville who usually looked weak and shy, suddenly looked as though he was ready to punch someone the moment he found a scratch on her face.

"I'm fine, Nevy."

"Hey Maykha, who's that?" Harry pointed the boy.

"I don't know, but that guy's a bad news."

"Yeah, looks like it."

"What's going on here?" Neville asked, crouching down at Ginny to check her.

"We don't have time to chat," Maykha said, "Neville, Ginny is behind that large statue, the last one. Please get her out of here, she's already freezing cold."

"I can't, the path was blocked because of bloody Lockhart's magic! Ron was even trapped there with him."

"Then get her and leave this chamber. She's not safe here. Not with that guy around."

Maykha figured Neville would not want to be inside where a dangerous guy lurked around. His face expressed his fear so much that she wanted him out of the chamber immediately. She cannot risk another friend to be harmed.

"I-I understand," Neville said, his face was already pale with the horror of the danger they were facing that moment.

"We're counting in you, Nevs," Harry said and tapped Neville's shoulder.

The boy nodded and went to where Ginny was lying down and carried her. It was true that the girl was freezing cold and she felt lifeless. He immediately ran towards the door and got out as they hid behind the big stone that fell from the explosion earlier, silently praying for the safety of his friends.

They were going to make it out alive. They have to.

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