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With a soft touch she felt on her arms, Maykha slowly woke up and realized she was in the Hospital Wing. It was already dark, but when she turned her head to her right, there she saw Neville. He was sleeping while his hands were placed on top of her, sending a familiar feeling of warmth that Maykha did not hate at all.

Looking around the hospital wing, she felt a sense of relief and joy when she noticed that the beds were empty and the petrified students were no longer there. Everything they did was worth it, the sacrifices they made and putting their lives at risk were worth it. It seemed as if it had been forever since she last felt light with all of her burdens lifted. She was no longer scared and worried, and she can finally breathe again.

Maykha looked at her friend beside her again and smiled as she caressed his face. Worry was still etched on his face, she knew it was because of her.

She remembered him looking like a different person when he ran towards her back in the chamber. The boy who always looked small suddenly looked so big at that moment, and it was a memory that would forever remain in Maykha's mind.

The boy opened his eyes and the moment he saw Maykha fully awake, he jumped from his seat and threw himself to her.

"Thank Merlin! When Harry woke up earlier this morning and you're still unconscious, I got so worried that I couldn't even sleep peacefully," She saw a single tear escaped from Neville's eyes but she was quick to wipe it away with her thumb. She hugged him tightly and tapped his back to soothe her crying friend. It was moments like this that Maykha really felt thankful to be there at Hogwarts despite the amount of dangers she had already faced. It was because of moments like this that she knew she had to fight to protect the important people in her life.

"Hey, I am alright now, Nevy. Thank you for staying by my side. You can go back to your dorm now, it must be past the curfew and I don't want you to get in trouble." Maykha said.

"No, I will stay here. Detentions be damned!"

Just then, a tall figure appeared behind Neville. "Then you will have an hour of detention with me tomorrow afterclass, Longbottom."

The two were surprised to see Professor Snape standing next to them. Neville was silenced as if a cat got his tongue and blood rushed out of his face. This was bad, Neville was already scared of Snape and him having a detention with him alone for an hour was the worst thing that could possibly happen to her friend.

"Professor!" Maykha called, sounding enthusiastic. "Neville was just on his way back to his dorm. Right, Nevy?" She looked at Neville, communicating through their eyes. Despite Neville's attempt to stay and protest, he could not do anything now but to retreat back to his dorm.

Before he went, he made sure Maykha was feeling better. "I am well, Nevy. I promise. I will be in the common room by the time you wake up tomorrow. I promise."

When Neville was gone, Maykha was left alone with the presence of her professor. He was still wearing his stoic expression, looking as if even the air inside the Hospital Wing had offended him. Maykha resist the urge to laugh at her thought.

"I see you're doing well," the professor started. "It's not everyday a student get to see a basilisk and live to tell its tale. You are quite lucky, you and that Potter."

"Were you worried, professor?" Maykha teased. She was not expecting any reactions from him.

It was gone as soon as it happened, but Maykha saw the softened gaze of the man. She was not sure, however, whether or not her eyes were simply playing tricks on her because of the unreliable lighting inside the Hospital Wing at that hour.

"I was not, but I would greatly appreciate it if you stay out of trouble."

Maykha shrugged, "I'm trying, professor. But trouble seems to find me anywhere I go."

It was true. The moment she stepped inside Hogwarts, there were danger left and right, there were no dull moments, yes, but probably at the cost of their lives.

Professor Snape looked as if he was not amused by her excuse and glared at her. "Then do better."

It was his last words before he disappeared from the Hospital Wing. It was enough for her to know that the cold and cruel professor cared enough for him to visit her at this hour.

She was finally alone with nothing but silence that surrounded her. She had just gotten up from her slumber so, drowsiness would probably not visit her anytime soon. Just then, she noticed her bedside table filled with letters and candies, just like when Harry was in the same state back when they were just first years. She read everything one by one, there was one from Hermione, Ron, Harry, Neville, and Ginny. She smiled as she read Ginny's letter, handwritting was a bit sloppy but sincerity was there.

Dear Maykha,
I don't know how to apologize for all the trouble I have caused you. First year and I already risked everyone's lives, and no matter how hard I think of how to atone for what I have done, I know nothing was enough. Despite everything, I thank you. Thank you for risking your lives for me, thank you for giving my life back. Thank you, really. I hope you get well soon so we can spend time together with whatever is left in the school year.

~ Ginny

Maykha hoped she could tell her little friend that it was not her fault, none of it was her fault at all. She was manipulated and cursed to do what Voldemort wanted for her to do, it was just unfortunate that Ginny could not help but blame herself for what happened.

Letters piled up after she read more, but as she came to the end of the pile, she noticed a small ball of green wrapper. When she unwrapped it, a ball of chocolate revealed itself with a short letter of 'you better get well soon.' written on the wrapper. There was no name from whom it was from but she happily put the chocolate inside her mouth and kept the small paper. It was nice to have people be worried for her, but it was her job to worry for other people and not the other way around. She didn't like making people worried because she knew how unpleasant 'worry' felt like.

She laid her back on the bed and embraced the tranquility of the night. She knew there will be more dangers, more adventures, and more troubles ahead of her but for now, she welcomed the invitation of slumber once again.


All was back to normal, or at least for the time being, Maykha thought as she sat on the Gryffindor table in the Great Hall. They were all gathered for a feast, but with everything that has happened since the beginning of the school year, the feast seemed to be a celebration for their survival.

It was only during her reunion with her friends that she truly felt like she was back home after a decade of being away. And much to her surprise, Professor Dumbledore announced the release of Hagrid, whom Maykha had no idea had been sent to Azkaban. She pitied her friend as she knew that despite being a ginormous person, he was the most soft-hearted man Maykha had ever known. She could not believe someone would actually think of him as a criminal.

The announcement that everyone was very delighted to hear was the cancellation of exams in all year levels. Maykha was one of the students who shouted in joy, contrary to Hermione who was devastated by the announcement. Although she understood her friend's love for education, she cannot console her in that moment. Letting them take an exam after what seemed to be an eternity of fear and anxiety, and not to mention, the danger she had been through with the Basilisk and Tom Riddle, would perhaps be the cruelest thing their professors could ever do.

"Finally," Ron said. "Something good finally happened. I'd fight a basilisk or spiders if I have to, if it means we'll have a year with no exams."

His remarks resulted in Maykha throwing an apple on his head, and Hermione pinching the side of his waist. "Don't you ever think of joking like that again if you don't want me to lock you inside the chamber, Ronald," Maykha threatened the boy.

"Perhaps it will no longer be the Chamber of Secrets but rather, the Chamber of Ronald," Hermioned added, making the others laugh.

Ron just rolled his eyes on them but it was this that Maykha really missed.

She just hoped that peace like this would last longer this time.

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