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"Okay so, what's the plan?"

The five were alone in their common room, discussing what should they do about the Philosopher's Stone. With their exams done, they could finally focus on the matter that they had postponed long enough.

They knew quite for sure that it was already dangerous enough that the giant three-headed dog was guarding the trapdoor, making it impossible to pass but thanks to Hagrid they found out a simple trick on how to tame the beast.

"What plan are you talking about, Hermione?" asked Harry. "We sneak out later, get past Fluffy and protect the stone from Snape."

All of them had been working on the preparation for what they were about to do along with their examination, so now that the latter was done and finished, they were more than ready to face the three-headed dog and past through whatever it was protecting underneath.

However, looking at Neville, Maykha saw worry in his eyes that grew more and more obvious as time passed by. She knew he was uncomfortable with the whole thing, but she could mot quite get a good opportunity to ask him and check up on him.

One by one, they went down, back to the common room with Harry's invisibility cloak on Ron's arms. The only one missing now was Neville and they had no idea where the boy was since Harry and Ron were sure that they saw him went down.

"Where do you think Neville is?" Maykha asked as his presence was still missing. Just then, someone sitting on one of the armchairs rose up, and they all saw Neville.

"Oi Neville, what are you waiting for? Let's go!"

Neville didn't move an inch instead he shook his head. "I'm not going nor will I let you!"

It came as a surprise for all of them, but perhaps Maykha somehow saw it coming judging by the boy's expression whenever they talked about what they had to do.

"Don't you understand? You're just going to get yourselves in trouble again and I don't want that to happen. I know that it's important for you guys to save the whole school, but if that means that you will sacrifice your life because of it then...then, I-I will fight you,"  Neville said, raising his fists as if he was really ready to fight them.

Maykha did not know what to do, but when she saw Hermione draw out her wand, it was too late for her to stop the girl.

"Neville, I'm really really sorry for this but Petrificus totalus," Neville suddenly became immobile and he was hardened like a rock.

"Must you really do that?" Maykha asked Hermione as she rushed towards Neville who fell on the floor to aid him.

"Maykha, there was no other way," Hermione argued, "Come on, we're running out of time!"

Maykha did not like the sight of Neville looking like that, laying on the cold floor after being so brave enough to go against his friends in an attempt to keep them off from danger.

"I'm not going too," Maykha suddenly blurted out, halting her other friends, "I mean, I can't. Not with Neville being like this."

"Not you too, Maykha." Ron said. 

"Look, Neville needs someone to stay behind for him. I have to cast a counter spell too. I really want to go as well, but Neville needs me," Maykha said, casting a glance on Neville who was still immobile.

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