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Maykha and Neville were running with all of their might after they heard that their friends were brought to the Hospital wing. They worriedly stormed out of their common room, hoping to see their friends in good condition.

The first thing they saw when they entered the hospital wing was Madame Pomfrey aiding the unconscious Harry. They also saw Hermione and Ron who were on the bed next to Harry. Fortunately, all of them did not look like they received any serious injury, but they all looked exhausted as the boys were sleeping soundly leaving Hermione awake.

They proceeded to see and check Hermione first and Maykha immediately hugged the girl, happy to her alive and safe.

Hermione heard the girl sniffed and she silently chuckled to herself and started patting Maykha to calm her down.

"For the love of Merlin, Maykha, I'm alive. We're alive, no need to cry like that."

Maykha let go of the hug and wiped her tears away. "I'm sorry. I just suddenly felt extremely worried and nervous when we heard the news that you guys were brought here."

"Yeah, Seamus really knows how make things more dramatic than it really is, I swear I heard him say you three were dying," Neville said, earning a good laugh from the two.

Maykha felt bad for not joining them, she was not sure if she could do any help but seeing them in the Hospital Wing hurt her and gave a good amount of guilt inside her. She should have went with them but at the same time, she knew Neville needed her too.

"I understand, but you can stop worrying now, we're all fine. It's actually a good thing that you two didn't come, I don't want to see you getting hurt anyway," Hermione said and smiled, bringing Maykha cry aloud and hugged the girl for a good amount of time before letting go.

"What in the world happened, Hermione?" Neville asked, his eyes wondered on Ron and Harry, both looked more wretched than Hermione.

Hermione smiled at the boy, "A lot happened, Neville, but I guess, it's just safe to assume that everything went well."

"Then, what happened to those two?" Maykha asked, pointing at Harry and Ron.

"Im not really sure what exactly happened to Harry, but for Ron, he kind of sacrificed himself for us to continue going," the girl said, reminiscing the boy's action, "it was quite heroic."

"Oh, you fancy our Ronniekins now, huh?" Maykha chuckled as she teased Hermione whose face was getting redder and redder until she received a good hit.

"Stop it, Maykha!"

"Well, good to see you well and healthy indeed."


Ron and Hermione fortunately discharged from the Hospital Wing sooner than expected. They were back to their normal routine as if nothing really happened, although the moment they got back to the common room, they were greeted with a loud 'Welcome back' by the fellow Gryffindors and they became quite well-known for what they did.

Harry was still unconscious, leaving the four to take turns in looking after him. The good thing was his hospital table was filled with a lot of get-well-soon cards and massive amounts of snacks that Maykha secretly ate whenever it was her turn to look after him.

Maykha's remaining class for the term had just ended that day when she decided to visit Harry. It was the third day after the incident, and he was still unconscious, making it hard for her not to worry about him.

She grasped her locket, remembering the sensation she felt when she had casted the carved words of the locket on her friends. It had always been her protective charm prior to gaining the knowledge of her identity as a witch, but perhaps, it had been nothing but a foolish thought to think it might protect her friends as well.

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