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When Maykha was younger, she would often think of how much more she had to spend inside her muggle classroom, with their lessons becoming boring as days went by. She was tired of those repetitive discussions. However, if someone had told her that she would someday find herself sitting inside a room where a little half-goblin stood on a high stack of books would teach her how to cast a spell, she would have laughed at them and accuse them of being mental.

Yet, there she was. Sitting on a long bench, her wands in her hand, and looking astonished by the sight of how small their professor looked yet how big he managed to make his presence felt and seen.

Charms class was the class Maykha had found to be the most exciting. Learning spells and actually seeing its effect from the tip of her wand was something she found really exciting, and it was the most witch-y thing she could ever do.

With her enthusiasm, her attention to the class was heightened, and it was also during this period that her friends found peace and quiet from her endless rumblings.

"Everyone, we'll start our lesson today with a very simple one – well, two. They are used together, as one is nothing without the other. Today, we will learn about wand-lighting and wand extinguishing charms," the professor said. "I hope you lots won't find having two topics in this morning to be too overwhelming, as we shall always put in mind that light is nothing without darkness, and darkness is nothing without light. Now, wands ready and listen very well."

As Professor Flitwick threw questions one after another, it was as if only two students were present inside the classroom and others vanished.

Maykha and her fellow Gryffindor, Hermione, raised their hands on every question as if their lives depended on it. Though, for Maykha, it was nothing but her enjoying the discussion, Hermione seemed to be competing against the girl. Nonetheless, they earned enough points for Gryffindor that day to make their prefects happy.

When it was the time for them to finally cast and demonstrate the charm, Maykha excitedly swung her wand, and her heart leaped with joy when a bright light appeared from its tip. It was her first magic. As simple as the spell may be, she still succeeded, and she was beyond happy for that.

Maykha was the first one who succeeded in their lesson, and while she was too busy adoring the light on her wand, Hermione did not seem to be too pleased as when the class ended, she slammed her hands on the desk before leaving the room.

"What's with her?" Harry asked as he waited for Maykha who was fixing her things.

"I'm not sure," Maykha shrugged.

"Let her be, she's a sore loser. I bet she didn't like how you succeeded before her earlier," Ron said before Maykha hit his arm.

"Don't be rude, you git!" She rolled her eyes and went ahead of them.

She was worried if Hermione was indeed upset, although there was nothing for Maykha to be apologetic for, she still wanted to talk to her fellow Gryffindor. Besides, she hadn't had the chance to thank the girl for trying to keep her friends away from danger and bad consequences of their actions, though she was unsuccessful.

Just as she was about to turn, her eyes caught a group of Slytherins who was ganging up on someone. After walking closer, she saw Hermione looking at them with hostility. Maykha did not even need to know who the Slytherins were, as just with the relflection of the sun ray on one of the boy's platinum blonde hair, she already knew it was Malfoy.

"Get away, will you?" Hermione said.

The Slytherins just snickered, but they stayed standing in front of her, blocking her way.

"You were the one who bumped on me, and you still haven't even apologized yet. Quite rude for a mud –"

Malfoy cut off his words when Hermione pointed her wand at his face, making Maykha smile widely.

"Say that word and I'll hex you," Hermione said, but it seemed like she quickly regretted it when it was Crabbe and Goyle who stepped up to protect Malfoy.

"Oh yeah?" Crabbe said, intimidating the girl with his big size.

As Hermione slowly backed away, Maykha knew it was her time to have her presence known. She cleared her throat, making all of them look at her.

"Do you mind? I need to borrow Hermione from you guys," Maykha said.

"Go away, unless you want to be beaten up as well," Malfoy said, smirking.

Another thing that Maykha hated the most is a guy threatening a woman. Her parents taught her that a guy must never hurt or threaten a woman, and if her future boyfriend or husband did that, she better beat his arse first and break up. It was a discussion that was a bit too early for Maykha's liking, but nonetheless, it would justify her action if ever she had decided to beat the arse of the boys in front of her.

"You never failed to amuse me, Malfoy," she said. "Just when I thought you couldn't get any more worse, you continue to exceed my expectations."

She glared at them as she stepped closer, and it was their turn to back away a little.

"W-what are you going to do? Hex us?" Malfoy huffed with sarcasm, "You've only learnt a spell today, and I doubt it'll even do you a favour!"

"If that's your worry, then let's settle this the muggle way," she cracked her knuckles, "want that?"

Maykha saw Malfoy hesitate until he started to walk away with his friends, "I'll get back at you!"

As they disappeared from their sight, Maykha turned to Hermione who was already looking at her with an awkward expression.

"Uhm, thanks for that," the girl said.

"Welcome, it was a scene that was too familiar with me so I had to do what I always did," Maykha smiled.

"So," Hermione said, "did you want anything from me?"

Maykha had almost forgotten why she looked for Hermione as she was too caught up with those Slytherins.

"Oh, well," she said, "I just wanted to say that you did great during our class. I-I mean, you always do in every class, of course. Oh, and thank you for trying to dissuade Harry and Ron from their stupidity last night. And uhh...that's all! Bye!"

Without even hearing Hermione's response, Maykha immediately ran away because of embarrassment. She mentally wanted to punch herself for being so brave about beating someone up, but lacked the basic communication skills for when it comes to actual conversation outside her friend group.

Still, it made her happy to finally get to talk to the girl without her getting angry.


For some reason, whenever Maykha was in the presence of Professor McGonagall, she would often feel uncomfortable because of the way she look at her. It was as if whenever her professor see her, she would have this expression as if she had something she wanted to say but decided not to tell anyway.

"Professor," Maykha called as she approached the professor in the corridor.

"Yes, Ms. Iglehart?"

"Well," Maykha scratched the back of her head, "by any chance, do you have something to tell me?"

Her professor looked surprised by her sudden question, her hesitation was even visible for a second before she regained her composure.

"I do not. May I know why you asked that?"

"If that's the case then, nevermind, professor. Sorry for the weird question!"

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