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The Hogwarts Express will leave at exactly 11AM according to Hagrid, but Maykha was already awake at six in the morning, unable to fall asleep or to even keep still on her bed. It was the 1st of September, the day she marked as the 'Most Magical Day' on her calendar.

Sitting on her bed, her mind was already filled with imaginations and expectations of what could happen to her in the school. There would still be times where she could not believe everything, and she would often pinch her cheeks to be reminded that she was not dreaming. She was a witch, and she was meant for something great, whatever that great meant.

Maykha finally went out of her bedroom when she could no longer sleep, skipping her way down the stairs and when she reached the second to the last step, she jump to skip the last. Thinking that her mum and dad were still sleeping, she decided to go straight to their garden to climb to the treehouse her father built for her. She also grabbed Felix from his cage, and he flew towards the entrace of the treehouse.

"What a smart owl," she whispered to herself as she reached the treehouse.

"Hey Felix, are you excited as I am?" She asked her owl, and Felix hooted as he flew around the room, "I see, I'm glad you are. You know, I'm going to be the greatest witch that I can be! I mean, come on, who even think of slacking off with magic surrounding them, right? Well, definitely not me."

They stayed there for quite some time before her mother called them for breakfast. She went down from the treehouse before putting Felix back to his cage and fed him.

"Good morning, mum," she greeted her mum with a bright smile.

"Good morning too, love. Ooh, someone's excited," her mother said as they headed towards the dining area.

"Oh Mum, you have no idea! I can't believe today is the day!" Maykha said as she clapped her hands together.

"Very well, just promise me that you will behave no matter what. No more punching any boys or girls, if you're mad just talk to them, okay? No need for any physical confrontation," Maddison reminded her daughter for the nth time.

She knew Maykha very well, when the girl gets really upset by someone, she had a tendency to deal with them with her fist. That was probably why her daughter never had  any friends, they were too scared to be around her.

"But, mum, I never punched someone just because I want to! They say something bad about me like I'm adopted because I don't look like you and dad," Maykha started to play with her black curly hair as her grey eyes looking at her mother. What the kids told her was true, she did not look like any of her parents, not even the slightest. Her mother had a dark red hair and green eyes while her father had light brown hair with blue eyes.

Maddison bent down to her daughter's height and smiled kindly at her, "Listen to mummy, sweetie. We don't have to have the same features for us to be called a family. So what if we don't look alike? What matters most is we love each other and that what makes a family, family."

"Alright, mum,"  Maykha said as she hugged her mother tightly.

"So, no more punching, okay?" her mum told her as she let go of the hug.

The girl just smiled mischievously, "Sure."

Maddison narrowed her eyes at the girl, "Really?"

"Yes, I'll just knock them out with magic!" She said and ran away from her mum.



"Okay baby, here we are. Your mum and I really wanted to go there to send you off but you know, the hospital is becoming mental with the amount of the patients going there," Herbert explained the situation to her daughter again as they went out of their car, feeling disappointed seeing that they couldn't even be with their daughter to send her off because of their works as doctors.

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