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The tapping from her window got Maykha's attention, it was Felix carrying a letter in his beak. Grabbing a treat for the owl, she stopped reading her textbook for a while to open her window and let her owl in.

"Good work today too, Felix," she said petting his head as she handed him his treat. Dropping the letters on the floor, Maykha squat down to get it and Felix flew inside his cage.

The letter was from Neville. A flicker of joy was ignited inside her heart as she hurriedly opened the letter to read. He had been the most responsive friend among the others, and she was thankful for it as it lessened her yearn for her friends.

Dear Maykha,

I know I have asked you this question every time I send you letters but, how's your summer going so far? Sorry, I was just not sure on how to start a letter other than that. You know, weird thing happened to me the other day, Gran suddenly asked me about you, and he was not even interested when I told her that I was friends with Harry Potter. I don't know what suddenly made her interested in you, but well, you are interesting, so I guess it was normal? Thank you for your birthday, by the way, I really loved it and I will really make use of it. I'd been meaning to learn the language of flowers, and the book you gifted me was perfect. Also, I am growing a new plant today called Flutterby Bush, it smells nice but they only produce flowers once a century. Such a shame that I would not be there to witness my own flower to bloom, but I guess I would just plant this for the next generation to see. I wish September 1st would come soon, I cannot wait to see you!

- Neville.

Maykha laughed slightly at her friend's long letter. She discovered that Neville was actually talkative in letters, especially now that they were closer. He would write things he would not normally tell in person, and Maykha found this adorable. She had always enjoyed his letters, as no one would have thought that its sender was actually a quiet and shy little boy.

Putting the letter down, her eyes caught the glance of the flowers Neville had given her for her birthday stored in a vase. They were still fresh as new, much to her delight even though she failed to find a spell to prevent it from wilting. Perhaps, those flowers were indeed magical.

Moving the book she was reading away, she grabbed a pen and paper to write a response for Neville when she heard a knock from her door. Looking behind her, she saw her mother looking at her with a defeated expression.

"What's the matter, mum," Maykha asked, standing up to walk towards her mother.

"I have a bad news," her mother told her with a frown, making her heart skip in anxiety.

"What is it?"

"You see, our hospital director, Mr. Jones, suddenly informed us that he will be sending medical volunteers overseas, and he included me and your father," her mother said, "I already told him me or your father cannot go but due to the number of patients we have to check, losing a single staff would cause trouble for the hospital."

"Oh," Maykha sadly said, she still had less than a month to her vacation and she badly wanted to spend time with her parents until then. She even wanted to show them Diagon Alley when Hermione informed them that muggle parents are allowed to go there to assist their child.

"Oh, love, I'm really really sorry," her mother hugged her tight, "I know you still have a few weeks left to your vacation but we could not even spend it together until the last moment."

"It's okay, mum, when do you need to go?"

"In three days, honey."

"Then, can we at least spend time together until then?"

"Of course!"


A couple of days have passed and Maykha's parents were already preparing themselves for their work overseas when someone rang their doorbell.

"Sweetheart, would you please check on the door please?" Her dad shouted from their living room.

When she opened the door, a lady with ginger hair appeared with a gentle expression.

"Hello, dear," the lady greeted.

"Is that you, Molly?"

Her mother emerged from behind to hug the woman on their doorstep. It was then when she recognized her, it was Mrs. Weasley, Ron's mother.

"Thank you so much for coming despite the short notice," her mother said, holding the hands of Mrs. Weasley.

"Oh, Maddison, it's more than fine! Besides, I'm sure my children would be more than happy to have her in the Burrow."

Maykha's brows furrowed with confusion, "Uhm, mum, what's going on?"

"You see, I borrowed your owl last night, right? I actually sent Molly a letter asking if you could stay with them for the remainder of your vacation while we're away," her mother explained, "Molly and I became quite close when we bumped into each other back in the King's Cross Station."

The thought of spending time with the Weasleys made her excited. Ron often told them stories about their home, knitting needles knitting on its own, dishes being washed by magic, and many more. She made it her mission to go there someday, and she could not believe that the would be so near.

"Why don't you pack your things and go with Molly, dear? I'd be more than relieved to know you're in good hands," her mother instructed her.

With a thumping heart, she ran upstairs to pack her things, making sure not to make Mrs. Weasley wait for her.

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