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The students were gathered in the Great hall for their End-of-term feast. They were all swamped with their own food and chattered loudly, filling the hall with buzz of laughter and voices. It was just quite a bit disappointing, especially for the Gryffindors, to see that the decorations inside the hall was full of green and Slytherin emblem, meaning that they must have won the house cup again this year. Of course, it did not help that Malfoy and his dogs had been looking at their direction with a satisfied grin.

Maykha had her hands balled into fists and teeth gritted with anger. Her friends were cautiously looking at her, ready to stop her from attacking the Slytherins at any moment.

"You know what, my hands have been itching to rip off those grins from their ugly faces," Maykha said darkly. She felt a shudder from Neville who was sitting beside her.

"Y-you have no idea how scary you look right now, Maykha," Neville commented.

"We all feel the same thing, Maykha, but for the love of Merlin, behave yourself. We don't need any more house points lost for last minute, Hermione told her.

Following Hermione, she decided that foods were better investment than those cheeky Slytherins. Eating her heart out, Maykha found herself calming down and cheering up.

"Who do you think would win if Maykha and Ron would have an eating challenge?" Harry asked all of a sudden, causing the others to stop from eating and wonder.

"It's obviously Ron, no one can beat this guy," Hermione said, throwing a disgusted look over Ron who was eating like a pig, with pieces of foods scattered around his face.

Maykha raised her hand and spoke with her mouth still full of foods, "I agree on that."

They noise inside the hall was silenced by the loud sound of Professor McGonagall hitting the glass to gather the attention of the students.

Professor Dumbledore stood up and spoke, "Another year had gone and now I understand it, the House cup needs awarding."

"I'm not really sure why, but I feel nervous," Neville whispered.

"Don't worry mate, we're not surprised anymore. You're always nervous of anything," Ron said and laughed but Hermione gestured him to shut up.

"In the fourth place, we have Gryffindor with three-hundred and twelve points"

Maykha groaned as she buried her face in her arms. "I'm not very fond of this rubbish House Cup thing anymore."

Just then, her eyes landed on Malfoy again and saw how he looked at her with a mocking grin and all she could do was to curse the boy inside her head, wondering how much house point would she lose if she was to poke the boy's eyeballs out of its socket.

"Third place, Hufflepuff with three-hundred fifty-two points."

"Second place is Ravenclaw with four-hundred and twenty-six points and lastly, the first place who got four-hundred and seventy-two points, Slytherin house."

There were shouts and cheers coming from the table of Slytherin, making the Gryffindors look at them sourly.

"Great. Another reason for them to mock us," Hermione said with an eyeroll.

"It's alright, Hermione, we could just do better next year," Harry said, comforting his friend.

In the midst of the celebration of the Slytherin, Professor Dumbledore once again gathered their attention.

"Yes, indeed well done Slytherin. However, recent events must be taken in account and I have last minute points to award."

Everyone became silent once again, even the Slytherin, and all eyes were on Professor Dumbledore.

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