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Maykha was hugging Hoggy, her hedgehog stuffed toy, when she decided to get up from her bed in the dorm. Her mind kept her awake all night, thinking all the possible things that could happen in her stay at Hogwarts, all the possible adventures and all the possible discoveries she would make about her capabilities as a witch. There were so many what ifs and ideas running through her head and before she could even had the chance to close her eyes, she realised it's already morning.

She also had a little chit chats with her dorm-mates last night and learned each of their names: Parvati Patil, Lavender Brown, and of course Hermione Granger. They easily warmed with each other with the exception of Hermione, who seemed to find books to be a better company that them. Maykha was not offended, if anything, she was impressed by the girl's diligence.

After she took a shower and got dressed, she immediately went down to their common room. She saw Harry sitting on one of the sofas near the fireplace and sat beside him.

"Good morning," She greeted the boy. Harry turned his head to her and smiled.

"Mornin'. You're quite early," he said, moving aside to give her more space.

"Yeah well, I had to make sure everything is real," She said as she leaned her back to the sofa.

Harry chuckled, "Same here."

There was a moment of silence between the two, Maykha's eyes started to wander around the room.

The Gryffindor's common room was circular full of comfortable sofas and armchairs, the whole room was decorated with several shades of red, being the official color of their house. There were many windows that gave the whole room enough light from the sun during daytime, there's also a huge fireplace that occupies one wall and a portrait of mighty looking lion that decorated its mantel and book shelves full of different subjects that were placed in the back. The whole room looks and feels homey and definitely Maykha's favorite place, minus the fact that she has to climb up to the seventh floor each and everytime she wants to be there.

Maykha heard Harry sighed that caught her attention, "What's with the sigh?"

"You know, this...everything, me being a wizard and such, I-I still can't believe these are actually happening," Harry said and rested his chin in his palm.

"Oh, tell me about it," Maykha snorted, "but isn't it nice? Besides, you get to have me as a classmate, you should be thankful."

Harry scoffed, "Thankful for what exactly?"

"Oh well, let me show you," Maykha grinned, raising her hands.

Terrified, Harry immediately jumped out of the sofa as he backed away from the girl, "G-get away from me!"


"Harry, what happened to you? You look like you've just been in a war," Ron said as he sat beside Maykha in the Great Hall.

Harry does look like a mess. His hair looks like he hasn't combed for ages and his robe is dirty and crumbled.

"Don't ask, Ron. Just don't. I feel like I just lost half of my life," Harry said.

Maykha was eating her breakfast when she smirked, "You're such a drama queen. No one dies from being tickled!"

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