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Mum, how many more hours left until my birthday?" the soon-to-be eleven year old girl asked her mother for the hundredth of time who was laying down on the bed with her.

She heard he mother chuckled before answering her question, "Oh sweetheart, when you wake up tomorrow, it's your big day. So now, why don't you have some rest?"

She nodded as she rubbed her eyes that were already too sleepy to keep them opened, "Okay, mum. Good night."

After kissing her daughter goodnight, Maddison closed her daughter's room and proceeded to the living room where she found her husband, Herbert, sitting on the sofa. She sat beside him and wrapped her arms around him and heaved a heavy sigh.

"I can't believe she's turning eleven tomorrow," Herbert said while rubbing his wife's back.

"I know, she's growing up so fast. I wish time would stop for a while and let us enjoy being with our daughter while we still can," the woman said without realizing tears were streaming out of her eyes. Herbert felt helpless, all he could do was to wipe his wife's tears away, as he also hoped for the same thing.

It was just as if yesterday, when their child was still a toddler, that weird things started to happen inside their home. Once, they made Maykha so upset, and when she screamed, all the lightbulbs exploded. They tried their best to hide that incident from their neighbours, thinking it was just a one time thing. They were naïve, as it was just the beginning of many unexplainable things that happened around their daughter.

It came to a point where they had to ask a priest to exorcise their daughter, thinking an evil entity had possessed her. However, even after everything, she still continued to manifest unexplainable things that made the couple hopeless with what was left for them to do to make the child normal.

Yet, even with those events happened as their daughter grew up, they had decided that nothing could take them away from Maykha, not even a demon.

"Hey, she won't go away." Herbert said, as he tightened his hold on his wife, "She will be our baby forever."


Maykha felt a slight shake as she had her back comfortably resting on her bed, eyes still closed. She could hear her mother's voice but she was too sleepy to even understand what the woman was saying.

"MAYKHA POLARIS IGLEHART! I SAID WAKE UP!" Maykha fell from her bed when her mother screamed, and snatched her blanket away from her.

Still feeling sleepy and not quite herself yet, she looked up from where she was sitting on the floor and sleepily smiled.

"Hi, mum. You're surprisingly early today,"  Maykha said as she stretched her arms up and let out a long yawn.

"Do you know what day is today?" her mother asked with a knowing smile on her face.

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