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Staying true to her words, Yunifer really did treat Maykha as her own daughter as whenever the older student saw her, she would run towards her while shouting 'my daughter!', to which Maykha would respond with "Hey mum!' much to the girl's satisfaction.

"I'm not getting involved with this," Cedric said one day when they met in the courtyard.

"Oh, but you are, dad," Maykha grinned.

"Hey, why am I the dad?" Cedric argued.

Yunifer said, raising her brow to Cedric, "Well, would you rather become the house pet, my dear?"

"Why can't I be the brother? Or the uncle?"

"Well, obviously because I cannot raise my child alone, idiot! Besides, I refuse to have an absent husband, so play the role of a doting father or become our house rat. The choice is yours," Yunifer said. Both of the girls just laughed when Cedric just clapped his hands on his face.

He was just about to argue more as he opened his mouth, but immediately closed it again and decided that he would not win against the two girls, "Fine, father it is."

"Yey!" Maykha and Yunifer said together.

"So," Maykha said, looking at Cedric, "Going for a quidditch practice, dad?"

Cedric nodded, "That I am, until that woman dragged me here to meet you. Well, now that we have settled our family issues, I'll go ahead."

When the boy left, Maykha gave Yunifer a knowing look.

"Why are you looking at me like that?"

"You're not going to support him?"

Yunifer huffed, "He's not going to die, he doesn't need any support...unless it's from Cho."

"You're jealous, then?"

The older girl's eyes widened, "No! Absolutely not! Besides, why am –"

"Lying is a bad example, mother," Maykha said with a grin.

"I'm not lying!"

Maykha stayed silent as she narrowed her eyes, slowly leaning towards Yunifer as the girl backed away, "Okay, okay fine! Just a bit, but you did not hear that from me!"

"I knew it!" Maykha said, clapping her hands together, "Since when did you like Cedric?"

"Okay, this conversation is over," Yunifer was about to leave, but Maykha grabbed her immediately.

"Nope, not until you answer me."

Yunifer looked at her, as if she was already thinking of a hundred way on how to silence her, until she gave up and went back to sit, "Fine!"

"Yey!" Maykha clapped her hands.

"Well, Cedric and I became best friends during our first year's Sorting Ceremony. I got sorted right after him, so, we immediately became friends. It was just that at first but that git became popular among the girls, and I kind of became possessive of him. Initially, I thought that maybe its was simply because I did not want him to be friendly with other girls. But then, came our third year, and he became smitten with Cho, and...well..."

"And that's when you realized that you fancied him more than just as friends?" Maykha asked when she figured Yunifer was having a hard time finishing her story.

The older girl nodded with a frown, "Yeah, well, I won't blame Ced, to be honest. Cho is a Quidditch player, she's pretty, smart, and talented. Hell, if I'm a man, I'm pretty sure I'd fancy her too."

Yunifer looked down on her feet, she was smiling, but Maykha could see the pain in her eyes.

"Hey, why do you have to compare yourself with Cho? Besides, you're pretty too, you're funny, and you're a very lovely girl. I'm sure any boy would be lucky to have you," she said, holding Yunifer's hand.

"Thanks, but it's really fine. I kind of already accepted it, you know?" Yunifer grinned, and Maykha could only smile sadly.

"Don't worry, mum, if dad cheated on you, I'm going to show him hell," Maykha said as she hugged the girl, earning a laugh from her.

"You better."

While Maykha offered her sympathy for Yunifer, she could not help but relate to her as well. From liking her own bestfriend, to being unable for her to confess her feelings. Truth be told, she was not afraid of being rejected by Neville, she was afraid of putting a strain on their relationship. She liked what she and Neville had, and she would not ask for more. At least no anytime soon. She was scared that if she became greedy, it would only cause the boy to go farther away from her.

However, she could only hope that she would not have to relate with Yunifer even up to her bestfriend fancying another girl. Because even just the idea of Neville liking someone else was enough to send a pang of pain in her chest.


A/N: Hi! So our school finally started again so, I might update less frequently. Thank you for your support!

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