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Maykha and Harry slept next to each other. It felt weird to have someone sleep on the same bed as her, as she had never had a sleepover with a friend. Growing up, it was just her and her stuffed hedgehog on the bed every night. The bed was not the most comfortable to sleep in, but much to her delight, she woke up feeling rested. It was as if everything that happened last night were not real. Before her mind could even open that memory again, she shook her head and decided to wash herself up, leaving Harry still sleeping on the other side of the bed.

After she brushed her teeth with one of the two toothbrushes that was readily available, she walked out of the bathroom to see Harry already awake, his hair disheveled like a bird's nest.

"Good morning, sleepyhead."


When the two of then went down to the lobby of the inn, the Weasleys and Hermione were already waiting for them. Maykha's eyes immediately searched for Neville's presence, but it only made her disappointed to see him nowhere.

"Good Merlin, what have you two gotten yourself into at a time like this?" It was Mrs. Weasley who was the first one to notice their presence as she approached them, and greeted them with a warm, motherly hug. When it was her turn to be hugged, Mrs. Weasely cupped her cheeks as she looked so worried.

"Maykha, you have no idea how much you made us and your parents worry. They sent an owl to us in the middle of the night, asking if you're with us. Why did you leave without saying anything, dear? Did something happen? Are you alright?"

Maykha hated it whenever someone would ask her if she was alright, when clearly, she was not near to being one, and not when she was trying her best to forget and pretend that everything was alright. It was as if on cue, she suddenly felt vulnerable and a clump formed in her throat, making it difficult for her to speak. She fought the urge to cry as she did not want to break down early in the morning with everyone looking at her. Without saying anything, she just threw herself to the woman and hugged her tightly, letting it bring comfort to her.

"That doesn't matter, what's important is that you're here and you're safe. Your parents sent us your trunk and belongings earlier this morning, dear," said Mrs. Weasely that brought a bitter feeling in her chest. It made her feel guilty that despite her running off without saying anything to them, they still cared enough to send her things for school. Still, it was not enough for Maykha to go back and listen to whatever there was left to be said. Not yet.

Sensing the strange behavior from the girl, the rest of her friends gathered around her, each took turn in hugging her. They looked at Harry, hoping the boy knew why Maykha was acting the way she was, but he could only shrug as he, too, had no idea why.

Thankful that none of her friends had asked any further questions, they had their breakfast in the Leaky Cauldron before they went on their way to the Diagon Alley to buy their stuff for the next term. Molly and Arthur accompanied them cautiously as it was obvious by how deserted the Diagon Alley looked like that Black escaping Azkaban was really a bad thing.

"Hey, I overheard mum and dad's conversation last night. Something about Hogwarts taking in guards or something," Ron said as the four of them were picking books in Flourish and Blotts.

"I suppose, that's a good thing, right? I mean, if it's meant to protect us, then I guess it's safer that way," Hermione said.

"I don't know, guys. I have a bad feeling about thi–oh no, I'm really sorry!" Maykha was not able to finish what she was saying when she bumped onto someone. She quickly turned around to see a brunette girl wearing a Slytherin scarf, which brought a bit of disdain for the student.

"It's fine, we're good!" The girl said cheerfully. "Oh look who we have here, fancy seeing you, Iglehart!"

Maykha then recognized the girl from one of her classes, it was Sienna Lore from her Potions class in her second year. She often saw the girl around the castle, often alone. Sienna looked a bit tame and civil compared to other students in her house. They did not have much interaction with each other to actually know her. So, it came to her as a surprise when the Slytherin knew her name and sounded even delighted, to make things weirder.

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