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Just as what Hermione had predicted, they were not so welcomed warmly the day after the duel. They were met with a lot of nasty glances and even those students from their own house decided to ignore them as well. She even had to scare others off for them to look away and mind their own business.

Maykha frustratedly put her chin on her palm as she tried to get her Charms homework done that was due the next day. It was just fortunate for her that, unlike others, she found the homework extremely easy and before she knew it, she was already done. She shoved her book and parchment away from her and glared at every student who tried to take a glance at them, often she had to take out her wand to threaten them.

"All these gits looking at us as if we carry a huge mistake on our backs," Maykha rolled her eyes. "One last glance and I swear to Merlin, I'm going to poke their eyes out."

"Please calm down, and stop the horrible idea" Neville said, trying to have her remain on line.

Maykha rolled her eyes, "Trust me, their looks are more horrible."

Harry stood up and collected his things before walking away from them.

"Where are you going, mate?" Maykha asked but the boy did not answer, he just continued walking.

Maykha was about to follow him but Hermione's hand held hers and shook her head, "Let him be, Maykha. He needs his time alone."

Defeated, Maykha slouched back at her chair with a worried expression on her face. She did not feel good about letting her friend go alone but there was nothing she could do.


Maykha walked her way towards the Owlry as she held her letter for home in her hands, cautious of her surroundings and looking at her back every once in a while. She felt vulnerable, and started to think that walking alone was a bad idea.

When Harry walked out, he found another petrified student, Justin Finch-Flenchy, a Muggle-born too, and the boy that was almost got attacked by the snake. But, that was not the weirdest part at all. Even Nearly-Headless Nick was found...lifeless, if that even made sense. It was the ghost who made her question if the pure-bloods were really even safe from the dangers in the first place.

She clutched the letter in her hands where she wrote how her school has been so far, excluding the things about the Chamber of Secrets being opened and every Muggle-borns are told to be extra careful because they were the main target of whatever monster it was that did all of these. She definitely did not her parents to freak out and force her out of the school.

She reached the Owlry and found her owl immediately. She first fed Felix some treats and pet his head. "I'm scared again, Felix, but please don't tell mum and dad that I said that. I rarely get scared and when I do, it would turn out to be a real scary thing. So, just act normal around them, and when you delivered this letter, fly back here immediately to avoid getting asked anymore questions, and don't wait for them to give you treats, I'll give you plenty here, got it?", the owl tilded his head and flapped his wings as he started to fly away from Maykha.

"You'd be surprised if that owl talked back to you."

She jolted when she heard a voice from her behind and when she turned around, she saw Cedric Diggory, smiling.

"You're like a mushroom that would sprout out of nowhere," Maykha said with an irritated but playful tone as she brought her hands on her waist.

The Hufflepuff boy just laughed, and Maykha noticed that his cheeks would always turn red whenever he was laughing. It only caused that boy to be more pleasant to look at, and it was no wonder to Maykha that he was popular among the girls. She had often hear the older Gryffindors talking about Cedric, and even her dorm mates would mention his name every now and then.

"I would take it that you liked hanging out with me, thank you very much," Cedric said, laughing, as be handed his letter to his owl, instructing it to deliver it to his parents. When the owl fled, he eyed Maykha, "So, how's your second year so far?"

Maykha snorted, "you already know."

"Yeah, I just wanted to open the conversation with that. Was it really Potter who did it?"

Maykha gave him a look, "Not you too, Diggory! Look, I know my friend and he may be thirsty for adventure, but trust me, opening a chamber and petrifying students and ghosts are definitely not on his bucket list."

Cedric let out a hearty laugh before crossing his arms across his chest, "I knew it wasn't him. My housemates were rather quick to judge, and even though I told them to give the boy a break, they just continued on with the blaming."

"I know it's all confusing, and not to mention, a very dangerous time for us. Perhaps, they might've find it easier to deal with by having someone to blame. It just makes me feel bad that Harry's becoming like a scapegoat. Oh, something bad happened, better blame Potter for it!"

"You know," Cedric said with a pause, making Maykha look at him, "Harry's lucky to have a friend like you. Well, I got to go now. If you need anything, just come and find me, alright? I'd be more than happy to help."

"You're such a Hufflepuff," she teased, "But thank you, for always appearing whenever I needed someone to talk to."

"Of course, you're like a little sister to me at this point."

Maykha smiled as the boy bid his farewell. She followed the boy who was walking away from the Owlery with her eyes, leaving her feeling nice about herself. It was a good thing that someone other than her friends believed Harry had nothing to do with the chamber, and it only gave her hope that if Cedric did not believe the rumours, then surely, there were others who also chose not to believe it.

She turned around and peered down the window of the Owlry, opposite to where Cedric was walking, she saw Ginny, sitting on the grass and reading some notebook, it was the same black notebook Maykha saw her carrying last time.

It saddened Maykha that she and Ginny no longer spend a lot of time unlike in the burrow. Ginny was always nowhere to be seen and it was as if the girl was ignoring Maykha. She could not remember remember anything wrong she bad done though, Ginny was seemed to be always preoccupied with something.

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