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"I told you it is impossible for Snape to be the suspect! He's a Hogwarts teacher," Maykha reasoned with her friends as they went back to the castle from Hagrid's hut later that evening. They went there to tell the half giant that they had been successful in finding the relation of Nicholas Flamel in the case, however, they were only told to stay out of trouble.

"Why are you defending that professor in the first place, Maykha?" asked Ron. "It's not like he's a nice teacher anyway. If there would be a dark wizard in this school, he'd be the most qualified one for that role."

"Guys, I don't think this is the time for argument," Harry said. "Let's worry about the dragon. It's already bad enough that Malfoy saw it."

They all suddenly thought of Norbert, Hagrid's dragon and how tiny he was considering that he just hatched from the egg. Unfortunately, now that Malfoy saw that dragon, they knew that its relationship with Hagrid would be short-lived. Merlin knows what the boy had already done with the information he had gotten.

"Is it really that bad?" Hermione asked.

"It is bad."

Just in that moment, they saw Professor McGonagall waiting for them in one of the corners of the castle.

"Good evening, children," the woman greeted them with an unenthusiastic tone that was enough for them to know that they were doomed.

"We're dead,"  Neville whispered.

A boy appeared behind Professor McGonagall and it did not take another moment for them to know it was Malfoy as his platinum blond hair made Maykha want to shave his head off and leave him bald.

Squinting her eyes at the boy, Maykha balled her hands into fists, "He's dead."


"Mr. Potter, Weasley, Longbottom, Ms. Granger and Ms. Iglehart, who gave you the permission to go outside of your common room at this hour without even an adult supervision?" The stern-faced Professor McGonagall scolded them. They remained silent for a while and received a fair amount of scoldings from her as Malfoy stood next to them, smirking and looking satisfied with what was happening to his enemies.

"30 points will be deducted from each of you."

"30?!" Harry protested.

"Yes, 30. Now, to make sure that this won't happen again, the six of you will be serving detention."

The others looked at Malfoy who was obviously surprised too.

"I'm sorry professor,"  the boy said. "But perhaps I heard you wrong. I thought you said the six of us?"

"No, you heard me correct. If you must have forgotten, you too were out of bed past curfew. Now, you will be joining your classmates in detention,"  Professor McGonagall firmly stated that made the boy frown.

The five smirked, looking at their classmate.

"I told you, didn't I?" Maykha whispered to Neville who was standing next to her. "He's dead."


"I don't think this is a good idea, I don't think this is a good idea at all," Neville said as the six of them, including Hagrid walked down the dark path of the Forbidden Forest. They will be serving detention with the half giant in that dark and gloomy place.

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