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The dungeon was a very chilly place for someone like Maykha to have her blood boil by how much their professor angered her. She had already confronted their potions professor about his attitude, but perhaps what she asked was too much from him. Maykha was convinced that the professor indeed found joy in seeing his students cowering in fear.

"You should be ashamed to be called a wizard, Longbottom. Five points from Gryffindor. Sit down." Professor Snape said when Neville failed to answer his question. It was not a surprise for her friend to not know the answer about a potion that they should not be even talking about in their level.

The man just asked her friend to elaborate the ingredients for the Draught of Living Death, and as she heard Hermione whispered, she learned that it was a topic for seventh year, hell it was not even their topic for the class that day.

As Neville took his seat, heads down and hands trembling with fear, she noticed the pool of tears forming from the corner of his eyes. Maykha's heart ached by the sight of him being hurt, and she could only hold his hand to hopefully bring him some comfort.

Startled by her actions, Neville looked at her and she responded with a smile.

Professor Snape seemed as if he was yet to be satisfied with his humiliation of Neville as he continued on throwing nasty remarks to him or to Harry.

"Mr. Potter, if you are going to show me your shameful ignorance just like Mr. Longbottom, then your presence is not welcomed here," Professor Snape said to Harry when he, too, failed to answer his question.

With Neville lowering his head more, and Harry not knowing what else to do aside from glaring the professor, Maykha could no longer bottle her anger and banged the table so loudly it echoed inside the classroom, gathering everyone's attention.

"Yes, Miss Iglehart?" Asked Snape who clearly was not very pleased by her action.

"You're too much, professor," she said, gritting her teeth, "Do you really have to go that far? Besides, asking us questions not even within the scope our level's curriculum and deducting points while humiliating your students, that's unreasonable!"

There was silence. Nobody dared to talk, and Maykha was too mad to even care about the possible repercussions of her actions. With her hands still holding Neville's, he tightened his hold, nervous for her sake.

Snape had narrowed his eyes, causing Maykha to gulp, "Did I ask for your opinion, Miss Iglehart?"

"No, but did we ask you to be so mean? Guess both of us asked nothing in this situation," Maykha said, acting tough as if the professor's chilly voice did mot send shivers down her spine.

"Seems like you have a few screws that needs adjustment. Twenty points from Gryffindor, and detention after class for you, Iglehart."

Maykha sat back, seething, "Fine."

"Why did you do that?" Neville whispered, worry was evident from his voice.

"Someone had to," Maykha said, giving him a smile of assurance, but it did not do anything to calm his nerves.

After they were dismissed, her friends circled around her outside their classroom, asking her what came into her mind for doing what she did.

"I'll be fine. It's not like Snape's gonna kill me," Maykha said, "but if he did, I'll make sure to haunt him everywhere he goes."

Ron snorted, "Snape doesn't look like someone who would be bothered by a ghost."

"Are you sure you'll be alright?" Hermione worriedly asked, "I heard his detentions are cruel, Maykha."

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