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Nights were not much different than days, only it was darker and colder. Neville hated the nighttime, he hated how the lack of light made his surroundings dark, and look lifeless. It would often make him feel as if something bad was bound to happen during that time of the day. That was why it became his habit to always leave enough light source to illuminate his room even just for a bit.

He played with the candy wrapper in his hands, it was another birthday gift he received from his parents that year. Holding it against his chest, he wanted to believe that it was their way of telling him they loved him in their own language.

Visiting his parents during his birthday had been his routine since he could even learn how to walk, it was the kind of family set up he had grown accustomed with, but it did not mean that seeing the empty shells that was left of the people his parents used to be no longer hurt. It did hurt, and it continued hurting him whenever all the thoughts of 'what could have been' roamed inside his head.

Keeping the wrapper inside the box where the other wrappers his parents gave him were, Neville grabbed the book Maykha had given him and read it. It was one of the small pleasures he had during the vacation, and it was special as it was the first gift he had received outside his family members.

Smiling to himself, Neville read the pages of the book yet his mind drifted off to the memories he had with the girl.


"Kids, are you ready?" Mr. Weasley asked as he fixed his own robe. He and his family, including Maykha and their surprising guest, Harry, were all lined up in front of the fireplace, ready to go to the Diagon Alley, or so they said.

"Mr. Weasley," Maykha called, getting Mr. Weasley's attention, "What are we doing all lined up in front of the fireplace? I thought we're supposed to be going to Diagon Alley."

Mr. Weasley chuckled and placed his hands on her shoulder, "I see our little May-may haven't traveled with the floo powder before, yeah?" Maykha cringed when the man mentioned the horrible nickname he made for her. Ron had always teased her about karma and how sweet they get back to her.

"We're actually going to the Diagon Alley through this fireplace," Mrs. Weasley said, "Ron, why don't you show them how to do it."

Ron stepped forward and grabbed a handful of powder from the container Mrs. Weasley was holding and went into the fireplace. He shouted "DIAGON ALLEY," loud and clear before throwing the floo powder down, a green fire immediately appeared and quickly swallowed Ron and disappeared in a blink of an eye.

"Woah," both Maykha and Harry shouted in awe.

"Cool! Can I go next, Mrs. Weasley?" Maykha stepped forward and presented herself.

Mrs. Weasley gladly agreed and handed her the pot of the floo powder which she took a handful of and stepped into the fireplace.

Before throwing the floo powder, Mr. Weasley warned her first, "Okay May-may, remember to say 'DIAGON ALLEY' very very clearly, alright?"

"Alright, I'm ready" she took one deep breathe and shouted, "DIAGON ALLEY!"

Before she knew it, the green flame already swallowed her just like what it did to Ron. She was thrown out from a fireplace and the next thing she saw was Ron who was already waiting for her in the Diagon Alley.

Maykha was covered in dust but that was the last thing she thought of at the moment. When Ron helped her to stand up, she let her eyes wonder around the place once again. This was probably her favorite place of all the wizarding places she's been to and no matter how many times she would go there, she still had the same enthusiasm as the first time she had set a foot on the street of Diagon Alley.

She was just brought back to reality when she was nudged by Ron and saw that all the Weasleys were already transported and were good to go. However, she realised that Harry was nowhere to be found.

"Uhh, where's Harry?" Maykha asked but it seemed like the adults only noticed that the boy was missing when she asked them.

"Oh, now that you've mentioned it, I've hadn't seen him since we arrived. Where do you think he is?" Mrs. Weasley asked her husband.

Mr. Weasley shrugged, "I'm not sure, I'm was actually worried this might happen. His pronunciation wasn't that very clear."

"Isn't that bad?" Maykha worriedly asked. She looked left and right, hoping she would catch a glimpse of Harry but the place were so crowded with people that she could barely see the street behind them. Her height only made her situation worse.

"Why don't we just go and buy your books and wait for him, yeah?" Mrs. Weasley suggested. Although weary, Maykha just nodded and followed them towards the Flourish & Blotts to get their stuff.

"Actually," Ron, who was walking beside Maykha, whispered, "Mum was just in a rush to get to Flourish and Blotts. Apparently, Gilderoy Lockhart will be there and she just can't wait to see him."

"Gilderoy Lockhart?" Maykha asked,"Who's that?"

Maykha noticed how Ron's eyes widened in surprise and joy, it was written all over his face. Was it weird that she didn't know who that person was? She suppose he was someone famous or something.

"Thank Merlin you don't know him!" Ron said enthusiastically. "He's no one, and it would be better if you don't know him at all."

Maykha gave Ron a suspicious look as his statement was followed by a snicker. She guessed Ron did not like that guy that much.

As their conversation came to an end, they saw that Mrs. Weasley was already in the middle of the line, brushing her hair with her fingers and smiling like a teenager waiting to meet her idol.

Maykha and Ron looked at each other and laughed. It was a funny sight for them, seeing Mrs. Weasley become all excited and smiley, and she did not even care to brush her hair whenever Mr. Weasley came home from work.

"Maykha, Ron!"

They turned around when they heard somone called their names and finally saw Harry with Hermione and Neville running towards their.

"Neville!" She hurriedly ran towards her friend and threw herself into a hug. Neville caught her and hugged in return.

"Oh yes, thank you so much for worrying about me," Harry said dryly, looking at them with arms crossed, "I really felt your sincerity."

"Well, you're alive," Maykha said, laughing as she unclasped herself from Neville and went towards Harry to brush off the ash from his robes, "That being said, where have you been?"

"Long story short I ended up in Knockturn Alley and thank Merlin for Hagrid, he just saved me there."

"Alright then mate, show yourself to mum first, she was also kind of worried of you," Ron told Harry, pointing at his mother who was anxiously waiting in the line.

When Harry disappeared to go to Mrs. Weasley, Maykha's eyes landed on Neville. There was no significant change from the boy's appearance aside from his height that also increased, Maykha was left reaching only the height of his ears. She also noticed that his chubby cheeks became a bit slimmer than the last she saw him.

"Good to finally see you again," Neville said, "It felt like forever, honestly."

Smiling, Maykha nodded in agreement, "Tell me about it."

A moment later a man showed up in a flashy outfit, and everyone in the shop clapped and cheered as if they had seen a celebrity.

Judging by his looks, Maykha could not quite figure out what was so special about him. He was not that good looking compared to the celebrities she had seen on TV, and aside from his nice set of teeth, there seemed to be nothing remarkable about the man.

"Mum fancies that guy," Ron whispered from behind who earned a hit from his mum from teasing her.

Everyone was in awe with the guy called Gilderoy Lockhart but to their surprise, he noticed Harry standing in the line and he called everyone's attention and welcomed Harry to his side.

"Of course, he's the Harry Potter after all," Maykha whispered and laughed at herself.

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