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"What does 'Mudblood' means, anyway?" Maykha asked.

They were in Hagrid's hut, giving Ron a bucket to catch all the slugs that fell from his mouth after the incident earlier in the courtyard. Ron wanted to make slugs come out of Malfoy's mouth after he called Maykha and Hermione a mudblood, but forgetting about his broken wand, his spell backfired and ended up receiving his own jinx.

Hermione was pretty upset about what Malfoy said but Maykha could not understand why. She clearly remembered the boy calling her the same before, but due to her ignorance of the word's meaning, she was not affected by it that much.

Wiping her tears, Hermione answered Maykha, "It means dirty blood, a foul name used for muggle born, someone with no magical parents, someone like us, Maykha."

Maykha gasped, "THAT GIT!"

She could not believe that all this time, Malfoy was uttering something so foul to her. There had to be an extent to how a person could be bad, but Malfoy's evilness seemed to be bottomless.

She held Hermione's hand as she balled her other hand into a fist.

"I don't understand though, Hagrid, why does that jerk hates muggleborns so much?" Maykha asked.

Hagrid cleared his throat, "Well, yeh see 'ere, lil' Maykha, the're some wizard family, like the Malfoy's, who thinks they're bette' than anyone else jus' because they're wha' people call 'pure-blood',"he said, his fingers put quotation marks in the air as he mentioned the term 'pure-blood'.

"That's horrible," Harry commented as he aided Ron who was still burping out slugs.

"It is horrible, I'm a pure blood, but I admit I'm not even half as good as these two," added Neville who was also sitting next to Ron, patting his back to make the vomitting of slug faster and a bit bearable.

"C'mere yeh two,"  Hagrid instructed Maykha and Hermione and held each of their hands, "Don' yeh two think, no' even once, tha' yer no' meant to be in this place jus' 'cuz yeh're muggleborns, a'ight? Yeh're few of the bes' witches I've ever me' in me whole life."

Maykha could not help but smile because of what Hagrid had told them. It made her so much better, but not enough that she'd just let Malfoy slip away for what he'd done. A plan was already forming in her head, and it was only the beginning.

Malfoy should have already known not to tickle the sleeping dragon, but in this case, the sleeping lioness in her.

In the evening, Maykha sat alone in their common room, waiting for someone, well, some people. It did not take too long for her smile to be formed when she spotted the people she was just waiting for. It was already past curfew when they entered the common room, and Maykha could only assume that they just finished their detention for the night.

"Freddie! Georgie!"

Both of them looked at her at the same time, "Oh, if it isn't our favourite Gryffindor, well, aside from each other, of course," said Fred.

"To what do we owe your time, Iggy?" George asked.

Maykha both smiled at them, and they immediately knew what that smile meant.

"Do you need to test some of your new products? I happen to know someone who's more than willing to try some."

Maykha happily ate her breakfast inside the Great Hall the next morning, with her plans already set, it was only a matter of time before it took place.

The twins were hesitant to have her test their new product as they were just in their beginning phase of their prototype, but after Maykha convinced them over and over, they finally gave up and handed her a couple of green pills. She was instructed that it was best to mix it with food and it should make a person constipated. That very night, she crushed the pills into powdered form, and when she entered the Great Hall next morning, she made sure to pass through the aisle of Slytherin. Of course, she was met with lot of glare and curious eyes, especially from Malfoy's gang, and she took advantage of their attention to sneak the powdered pills into their food using a levitation charm and made her way back to their own table.

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