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"Where are the boys?" Maykha asked as she and Hermione, who just appeared out of nowhere, were on their way to their Divinations class.

Based on the things she had heard from her dorm mates and other Gryffindors, Divination was a complete waste of time. Some said it was a sham, and impractical, and others said it was rubbish. And while there were a lot of students who showed their obvious disdain for the class, nothing could top Hermione's hate for Divination. By the way she looked as they walked through the hallway to their class, one would have thought that she was going to an execution room.

"I don't know, they've been up to something from the past few days. But who cares? My Crookshanks finally got to have a time away from Ron's rat, and – can you please walk faster, Maykha?" Hermione asked, sounding so irritated.

"Relax, babe, we won't be late for the class," Maykha said and chuckled.

"It's not the matter of being late or being early. The sooner we get there, the sooner this rubbish will end!"

"I'm not sure that's how it works, but fine, I'm not going to torture myself and argue with a bad-mood Hermione," she whispered under her breath. When her friend shot her another look, she quickened her pace, "Coming!"

When they entered the room, they found few students already inside. Most of them were already dreading to be in that room alone, making Maykha question as to why they decided to take the elective class. Divination for Maykha sounded amazing, impractical as it may be, but knowing the future seemed to be exciting.

Sitting on one of the cushion sits, Maykha quickly became comfortable in the classroom. The classroom had different layers, with puff chair, circular tables, and even a fireplace in the most bottom part of the classroom. There was a gold sculpture shaped like a rhombus that hanged from the ceiling, and the windows were draped with red drapes. Though comfortable the room was, Maykha thought it was bad for her to be too comfortable inside the classroom, as it would only encourage her to be sleepy and ending up not learning anything.

Maykha looked at her friend who seemed to be restless and impatient. Having a bad-moon Hermione would only mean that one wrong move, and everyone of them would have to experience her wrath. So, Maykha thought it was a good idea to have Hermione's attention away from the fact that she would have to spend the next one and a half hours sitting in this class.

"Hey, 'Mione," Maykha called, "did you illegally learn how to apparate?"

"What?!" Hermione exclaimed, dumbfounded by Maykha's question. "Why on earth would you think that?"

"Because it feels like you're everywhere! One moment you're in this class, then another moment you're in that class, and that class, and –"

Hermione used her hands to cover Maykha's mouth to stop her from speaking anything else, "I did not learn how to apparate illegally. Merlin, do you think I'd put myself into more trouble than I already have?"

With Hermione's hands still on her mouth, Maykha simply nodded and mumbled something.

Hermione looked at her, "What?"

Rolling her eyes, Maykha pointed at Hermione's hands that were still covering her mouth, only then she finally took it back with a small apology, "I said you're right! But then, how did you appear and disappear?"

"Well, let's just say that I'm too busy that I thought I needed to split my body in two to attend to every class I needed to attend," she said and winked.

Before Maykha could even ask further questions, the three boys finally came inside the room, all drenched with sweat.

"What did you three do? You guys are a mess!" Maykha scolded, as she pointed her one at them and casted a drying charm.

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