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With another muggle born petrified, everyone was at the edge of their wits. It felt as if it was inappropriate for them to continue studying while fearing for their lives during this trying time.

However, if there was one more thing that changed, it was Neville and his protectiveness. Much to Maykha's surprise, the boy almost never left her side whether inside the room or as they ate in the Great Hall. He would wait for her and Hermione outside the lavatory whenever they go out together.

At first, she thought it was nice of him to step out of his comfort zone just to protect her and Hermione, but she started noticing that he would particularly stick by her side. Maykha did not want to make any assumptions, as she often saw in the movies her mother forced her to watch together that those character who assumed something were the ones who were going to be disappointed by the end.

Still, it did not stop her from feeling special.

"You fancy him, don't you?" Hermione leaned closer to whisper in her ear.

The five of them were sitting near the Great Lake to have their lunch, as they started feeling suffocated by the hostile treatment they were receiving inside the Great Hall.

Maykha's eyes widened in surprise because of what her friend had just said. Hitting Hermione lightly in the arm, Maykha immediately shot her a look, "I do not know that you're talking about."

"Liar, liar, pants on fire!" Hermione laughed, standing up to run away from Maykha who was ready to silence her.

They both ran around the boys, laughing as Hermione avoided Maykha. The other girl thought it was a smart idea to hide behind Neville, who flinched when he was about to take a bite from his sandwich.

"Neville, tell Maykha to stop scaring me!" Hermione told Neville.

"Hey, that's not fair!" Maykha said, putting her hands on her hips.

The boy only had his eye brows furrowed as he looked back and forth between Maykha and Hermione, "B-but Maykha is not even scary?"

It made Maykha stopped from running after Hermione. Neville seemed oblivious of how his words affected her, as he simply looked innocently at her and confused to what Hermione was trying to do.

Harry, Ron, and Hermione shot them both a knowing look. Hermione did not even bother hiding her amusement as she went to Maykha to poke her sides that made her shriek as it was her most ticklish part.

"Hermione Jean Granger, you're dead!"

The girl ran towards the lake, hoping for Maykha to give up hunting her, but instead, Maykha hurriedly took off her shoes and socks to enter the lake and splashed water towards Hermione.

Back in their first year, Maykha had no idea that she and Hermione would be this close. Being the only girls in their circle, they shared a different bond than what they had between the boys.

"Hey! Let us join too!" Harry shouted, stripping off his socks as well.

"Me too," Ron followed, "Come on, Neville!"

As their mini picnic turned into a chaotic water fight, laughing and splashing at each other as if there had no dangers that loomed in their castle. It was as if they had forgotten about what awaited them for the days to come. At that moment, there was no Harry Potter who saved the world, no muggle borns, and no pure-bloods. There were simply children who enjoyed the company of each other, playing like what kids their age were supposed to do.

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