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Waking up in the morning of their first day in second year, Maykha wanted have the girls' bathroom all for herself to have a nice and steamy shower. No one was inside the bathroom and it echoed with every step she made.

Maykha had already learned her lesson, before she could have a concert, she had to make sure that every cubicle was empty. The last time she had a concert inside the bathroom, she was oblivious that Hermione was also inside and had to listen to her awful voice.

After she checked every cubicle and confirmed that she was indeed all alone, Maykha smiled mischievously and stripped all of her clothes. She applied a little bit of soap on the floor to make it slippery so she could slide on it easily.

"Alright, the bathroom is all mine!" she said to herself and threw her hands up in the air.

She opened the shower and started singing randomly, not even worrying whether her lyrics were right or wrong. As she was nearing the end of her shower-concert, she might have stepped her foot wrongly, and before she even realized it, she had already landed with her face almost kissing the slippery floor.

"What are you doing there, Maykha?" she heard the voice of Ginny echoed from the entrance but she could not bring herself to face the girl, not only because she caught her in an awkward position, she was also naked to make things worse.

"Oh Merlin, couldn't I have at least one day where I can have the bathroom all by myself without being an embarrassment?" she muttered under her breath before she finally had the courage to stand up and face Ginny, flashing her uncovered body and hurriedly grabbed the towel near her.

"O-oh uhh I was....I slipped. The bathroom floor is quite silppery, h-how strange," she awkwardly scratched her head and laughed.

"I'll be going then, careful on your steps, alright?" Maykha said and stepped out of the bathroom while caressing her aching shoulder, "That bloody hurts!"


"Tell me, I'm doomed," Ron defeatedly said as he was hoping to mend his broken wand using a spell-o tape.

All for of his friends looked at each other and said, "You're doomed," in unison.

The five of them ate in the Great Hall, it was their first breakfast of the school year together and they could not help but receive a lot of strange and curious gazes from every student that passed by them.

It was no surprise, after the news that Harry and Ron came to Hogwarts with Mr. Weasley's flying car had spread around the school like a wildfire, Harry and his friends became quite the topic of the school again.

Apparently, the reason why they were not in the train was because the gate to the platform had closed before they could even enter. By the way they looked when Maykha saw them – Ron's broken wand added to the picture, she immediately knew that they did not have a smooth drive to school. She saw it coming, considering it was Mr. Weasley's blood that ran through Ron's veins.

"What do you think is up for us this year?" Harry asked.

"Judging by how you two had your grand entrance last night," Maykha snorted, "I already lost hope for having a peaceful education this year."

"Agreed," Hermione agreed before taking a bit of her sandwich.

"I third to that," Neville added.

"Thanks guys, I really appreciated it," Harry said dryly.

"Errol!" Ron suddenly exclaimed when his owl appeared flying towards them with a red envelope in his beak. Just as always, the owl did not have a smooth landing and ended up falling on Hermione's jug.

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