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Maykha opened the window of their dormitory and was greeted by the cold wind from the outside. She was amazed to see how fast the surroundings to turn white from the snow by only overnight.

It was the start of their holiday and the day that they would have to go back to their homes for Christmas. Just a week prior, her mum and dad had sent her an owl saying they will be going to Japan and celebrate there with their relatives.

"Merlin's beard Maykha, shut the window! It's already freezing over here!" she heard Parvati complained from her bed, so she closed the window and decided that it was time for her friend to wake up.

Maykha walked towards Hermione who was still sleeping and shook her until she opened her eyes and closed it again, clapping her ears with her pillow and turned around, "Five more minutes."

"No! There's snow, come on!" Maykha said excitedly as she jumped up and down, quickly grabbed her jumper and went out of the dorm to wake the boys up.

Hermione groaned as she went out of bed irritably. She was just having a nice dream where Professor McGonagall handed her her OWLs result with a perfect O on it and it was all ruined thanks to Maykha.

Successfully climbing the boys' dormitory, Maykha woke her friends up, almost dragging them outside while they were still in their pajamas.

"Okay, I'm up," Neville sleepily said, with his head disheveled like a nest as Trevor sat on top.

Maykha chuckled at the sight, thinking that Trevor looked so comfortable sitting on his soft hair.

"Good morning, Nevy," she walked closer to pet Trevor, "And good morning to you as well, Sir Trevor."

The toad croaked in response.

"My bed is too comfy for me to get out," Said Harry as he buried himself deeper in his blanket.

It was a sight too familiar with Maykha as she often did that whenever her mum would wake her up. So, just as what her mum would do, Maykha snatched the blanket from Harry and watched him glare at her.

"Can I please have my sleep in peace?"

"Oh Harry-boo, the only sleep you can have in peace is the one you'll never wake up from. Now, get up before I shove your arses in the snow!"

"Maykha, it's too early," she heard Ron complained from bed next to Harry.

"And so? Early bird catches the worm!"

"There's no worm to catch in winter!" Ron shouted before trying to go back to sleep.

With her eyes squinted, she placed her hands on her hips, "If you two don't wake up now, I swear to Merlin's bloody white hair that you'll regret it!"

Threatening might have been her special talent as the moment she finished, Harry and Ron looked at each other with terrified faces before they obeyed the girl and got out of their beds. Even Neville who was already awake, unconsciously gulped because of it.

When they reached outside, Maykha, with a several layers of clothes, threw herself on the snow, making a snow angel. The cold snow touched her skin, and she knew she would experience a terrible cold later at night, but she was having so much fun to even think about the consequences.

The others also threw themselves on the snow to join her, and it somehow became a competition of who would create the biggest snow angel, which was unfair for Maykha and her decent height.

Hermione only watched them like a mother watching over her kids, but Maykha's idea was to have fun together, and not have one of them act like a chaperone. So, looking at her other friends as if she was sending a telepathic message, they all looked back to her as well before smirking playfully.

The four of them grabbed the girl and forcefully threw her on the snow making her scream in horror when her whole body was covered with white snow.

"You guys are so dead!" Hermione shouted at them but they just laughed at her. They started running away in different direction when Hermione chased them.

Maykha created a small snow ball in her hands and threw it on Ron.

"Ack! Maykha!" Ron shouted before throwing a snow ball to her too and eventually others started throwing snow balls at each other, giggling and having fun.

"Nevy, aim for them not for me!" She said, scolding the boy for throwing snow at her but he just laughed.

"Not fair, Maykha! There's no teaming up here!" Harry shouted at her while holding a ball of snow in his hand that was ready to hit anyone.

When they coincidentally threw their snow balls onto Ron and hit him from different direction making him fall, they all gasped and went towards him while laughing.

"You alright, mate?" Harry asked Ron who had his eyes closed and tongue stuck out, acting like he was dying, and his nose becoming red because of the cold.

Ron dramatically opened his eyes and raised his right hand as if he was gasping for air, "I'm dying, mate. I feel so betrayed...why did you all aimed at me, you gits? Do you hate me that much?" he said as if he was about to cry.

Maykha was forcing herself not to laugh but it was impossible with how ridiculous the boy looked while doing that, "We actually planned for this, Ron. When you were sleeping, we were secretly plotting your death!" she said, making Ron glare at her.

"Shut up, woman! When I die, I'll haunt you guys and I will start from you!" Ron said and pointed at Maykha.

The girl sarcastically gasped, "Oh no, I'm scared!"

When Ron was back on his feet, they decided to take the oppurtunity to make a big snowman while there was still few students outside who were also playing with snow.

Hermione and Maykha decided to make a big circle of snow for the head and the other boys were making a larger ball for the snowman's body. When they were done, they the boys helped the the girls placing the head on the body. They picked up some twigs and put it on the snowman as his arms and nose and two circular stone that became his eyes. Then, they carved their names behind their snowman using their wands and decided to name him 'Snowy' before going back to their common room as it was starting to get colder and they would still have to get ready, except Harry, for their departure later.


Maykha, Hermione and Neville were walking in the Great Hall while carrying their trunks when they saw Harry and Ron sitting there. They watched at the two played chess but as Maykha had noticed, it wasn't an ordinary one, she saw how one piece destroyed the other.

"That's totally barbaric!" Hermione stated and Maykha just nodded in agreement.

"That's a Wizard's chess. I see you guys have packed" the boy said, looking at them.

"And I see you haven't," Maykha said seeing that the boy's trunk was nowhere to be found.

"Last minute change of plans. Mum and dad decided to go to Romania to visit my brother Charlie, he's studying dragons there." The boy answered as he made his next move from the game.

"That's good, you can help Harry. He's going to search for information about Nicolas Flamel," Hermione said. Maykha mentally rolled her eyes, that's right, up until now they had zero knowledge of who the man was and his relations to whatever Fluffy was guarding.

"But we searched a hundred times! " Ron complained.

Hermione leaned on closer to them and so did Maykha and Neville, "Not in the Restricted section. Happy Christmas," she said and walked away.

The four looked at each other weirdly after the girl left, "I guess we had a bad influence on her," said Maykha.

"I think so too," Harry agreed. Soon after Maykha and Neville greeted Harry and Ron, the two of them followed Hermione towards the train back to their home.

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