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"Why did I ever let you drag me here, Hermione Jean Granger?" asked Maykha as she scratched her forehead in annoyance, looking at the long platform in front of them. 

Hermione dragged her and the others to come with her to the Dueling club. She heard Dumbledore requiring everyone to learn how to duel to prepare just in case. Dueling, but as soon as she was notified on who would proctor the activity, she lost all interest at once.

She was still hoping though, hoping that it wouldn't be Lockhart that appear, but someone competent.

But when the boastful professor made an entrance, gathering everyone's attention, Maykha could not help but roll her eyes in dismay. It was then she had proven that miracles do not happen even within the magical world.

Looking at their professor, it was not known whether he was there to teach the students how to fight or have a runway fashion show with his flashy outfit. It made Maykha wonder as to how the man could walk outside wearing something like that, but she simple thought that his ego was able to support him more than enough.

She saw Lockhart speaking but none of those she heard, she was not paying attention at all. Everything the man said would eventually turn into a big joke so, she did not bother listening. However, her attention came back when their potion professor was introduced as Lockhart's assistant.

Maykha wondered what Professor Snape had been through for him to accept this kind of humiliation of standing next to a Gilderoy Lockhart.

She nudged Harry, "I'll tell you what mate, Lockhart is not even at the tip of Snape's ability," she snorted, "I'd laugh my arse off the moment he's thrown away by Snape"

She and Harry laughed before finally focusing on the demonstration of the two professors. It was not a surprise that without even a minute after they started when Lockhart was thrown away, making Maykha giggled.

"I told you," she said and silently praised Snape.

Even after making a fool of himself, Professor Lockhart was still talking rubbish and Maykha wished she was Professor Snape that moment, and cast a spell that could shut the other professor's mouth.

Then they needed a volunteer, Maykha was just about to shot her hands up when they called Harry and Malfoy.

"I thought they needed a volunteer?" Maykha groaned. She crossed her arms and forced herself to watch the duel as she rooted for her friend.

"At the count of three, cast your charm to disarm your opponent, the disarm only," Professor Lockhart reminded the two but it looked like none of them was about to do as what they were instructed as they glare into each other's eyes. "Now, one...two–"

Without even letting Professor Lockhart finish counting, Malfoy immediately shot his spell at Harry, making the boy fly over the edge of the platform.

"It looked painful," Neville commented on her side, wincing as if he was the one who got hurt.

"Wanna try?" Maykha joked, making her friend shake his head aggressively.

When Harry was back at his feet, Maykha smiled as he cast his charm to take revenge on Malfoy and just like him, the arrogant boy flew away.

"Way to go, Harry!" Maykha cheered. Harry just smiled at her and glared back to Malfoy.

When the Slytherin boy was back on his feet, he wasted no time and casted his spell in a blink, "Serpensortia!"

Everyone gasped when a snake flew out of Malfoy's wand, making everyone step back from the platform.

When Professor Lockhart shoved Harry aside and told everyone that he was going to take care of the snake, Maykha only rubbed her temples. She could not believe how much ego the man had in himself and he was well supported by it no matter how many times he had embarrassed himself.

Gilderoy Lockhart then did his thing with magic once more, he did take care of the snake—which sent it flying just for the snake to go back dowm.

Great job, Maykha thought.

But everyone became silent as Harry began speaking in a language Maykha was unable to comprehend. The snake seemed to be understanding what Harry was saying, and everyone became alerted as the snake attempted to attack one of the Hufflepuff boys.

It was hard to deny that Harry looked like he was controlling that snake.


Hermione and the others dragged Harry into the common room after Professor Snape successfully took care of the snake. It left Maykha confused as to why they received nasty stares after the demonstration was finished.

"Harry, you were amazing back there! Where did you learn that language?" Maykha asked the moment they arrived at the common room.

Hermione scowled at her, "There's no time complimenting Harry, Maykha," she looked at the boy, "Do you know what you've done?"

Harry looked confused, "I'm sorry?"

"You're a Parselmouth! Why didn't you tell us?" Ron said.

"I'm sorry?"

Neville sighed, "A Parselmouth, Harry. You can speak Parseltongue. You can talk snakes"

Maykha's eyes widened in surprise as she looked at Harry, "You can!? Oh, that actually makes sense!"

"W-well yeah, I accidentally set a python on my cousin, Dudley. But so what? Other people can do it too...r-right?"

The three shook their heads, "No."

"It's not, Harry, it's not a common gift to have," Hermione said, looking quite worried. "This is bad."

"Why?" both Maykha and Harry asked in unison.

"Besides," Harry started, "If I had not told the snake not to attack that boy–"

"Oh that's what you said? We couldn't understand the language you used, I almost thought you were controlling that snake. It was cool though," Maykha said and smiled, but Hermione flicked her forehead hard, making her flinch, "Aw! What was that for?"

"I told you, it's not something Harry should be complimented for!"

Neville cleared his throat, "But Maykha is right, Harry. You were speaking in Parseltongue and just like Maykha, everyone thought you were controlling the snake to attack Justin."

"I'm telling you guys, this is bad," said Hermione, sounding so worried. "Look, there's a reason why Slytherin's symbol is a snake. Salazar Slytherin himself was a Parselmouth too, he can talk to snakes."

"Yeah and now everybody will think you're his great great great grandson or whatever," added Ron.

"But I'm not!" Harry denied as he looked at his friends one by one. "You believe me, right?"

"I do believe you, Harry," Maykha said, patting Harry's back as he looked at her too and smiled, "You could teach me a word or two. You sounded so cool."

Neville took a step to Harry, "We do believe you, Harry–"

"But don't expect the other students would do too," Hermione frowned.

Just as she thought their second hear could no longer go worse, she just proved herself wrong. Harry being a Parselmouth had just became one of the problems added to their already existing ones.

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